Mysql Error 1114 (HY000): The table is full


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I exported a database with a 14GB Mysql size from a Windows OS computer and I intend to import it into Mysql from a Ubuntu 14.04 OS computer

I used the following command to export the database "data":

mysqldump -u root -p dados > teste.sql

After exported I tried to import the same in Mysql from Ubuntu 14.04 OS computer through:

mysql -u root -p dados < teste.sql.

After few minutes of execution the following error appears:

ERROR 1114 (HY000): The table "XXXXXXX" is full

How to overcome this error?

1 answer


I imagine you are using Innodb so check out the disk space available for /usr which is the partition where mysql is commonly based. If space is not enough to import, it may be better where it saves these tables. ( ibdata1, ibdata2 )

Search for: innodb_data_file_path

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