How to use Prepared statements with external variables in Mysqli


Viewed 439 times


I have the following code, which I want to use prepared statments:


include "../conex.php"; // conecta

mysqli_set_charset($mysqli,"utf8"); // Transforma em UTF8 pra gravar acentos no servidor

// Inserção de variáveis do formulário no banco de dados

$sql = "INSERT INTO tabela (userid, username, meses, percdev)
VALUES ('$user_id', '$user_name', '$meses', '$percdev')";

if ($mysqli->query($sql) === TRUE) {
    echo "New record created successfully";
} else {
    echo "Error: " . $sql . "<br>" . $mysqli->error;


This code works correctly, recording the variables in the database. Since I put this code alone in a file, all these variables are in external files. The structure looks something like this:

index.php -> form where you take the values of the variables

script.php -> where variables are declared, and some mathematical operations are performed. p.ex:

    setlocale(LC_ALL, 'pt_BR', 'pt_BR.utf-8', 'pt_BR.utf-8', 'portuguese');

include "datas/tempo.php";

$percDevIns = empty($_POST['Tpercentdev']) ? NULL : $_POST['Tpercentdev'];

$valorIns = (788.00 * $percDevIns) / 100;

saida.php -> The file called by index.php in action of form, in which is called the script.php (in the head):

include "../../models/scripts/script.php";
// todo o HTML e PHP da página de saída

And at the end of this file is the call to the archive prepare.php, which includes variables in the bank (already with modifications of script.php).

So following a few tutorials, and a few questions from here, I tried so:

include "../conex.php";

// Transforma em UTF8 pra gravar acentos no servidor


// Inserção de variáveis do formulário no banco de dados

$sql = "INSERT INTO tabela (userid, username, meses, percdev)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)";

$stmt->bind_param('isii', $user_id, $user_name, $meses, $percdev);

printf("Error: %s.\n", $stmt->error);

But it doesn’t record in the bank, and it doesn’t return any errors... What I’m doing wrong?

  • 1

    The autocommit is connected?

  • 3

    It was my impression that the prepare ?

  • Ah @Edilson... my bad... already put the prepare, but I’m still getting some mistakes, but I think that was the main thing... I’ll just check here and return. Thanks.

  • @That’s what Edilson was... I was using $sql instead of $stmt = $mysqli->prepare... thanks, put a response there.

  • Going Editar the answer below, to prevent the page from extending too much, and I’m glad I helped.

  • Okay @Edilson, thanks so much! Hugs.

  • 1

    Ready, I thought better edit, and enjoy the wave, because sometimes the commit causes the information not to be saved permanently in the database/table. Just choose the answer to close the question.

  • @Edilson did not understand, the commit "sometimes". In fact, the commit is used when the autocommit is off so that it is possible to use rollbacks, that is, if you run multiple querys and one fails, you can rollback all previous ones and prevent updates and partial inserts from entering the bank. The commit only works when autocommit is off, because if you use it on then it’s just redundancy :)

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1 answer


First, I recommend using object-oriented so use all mysqli events like Oop and one more detail it looks like you forgot the mysqli_stmt_prepare, do so:

include "../conex.php";

// Transforma em UTF8 pra gravar acentos no servidor


// Inserção de variáveis do formulário no banco de dados

$sql = "INSERT INTO tabela (userid, username, meses, percdev)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)";

if ($stmt = $mysqli->prepare($sql))
    $stmt->bind_param('isii', $user_id, $user_name, $meses, $percdev);

    printf("Error: %s.\n", $stmt->error);

If you’re going to use procedural, then don’t use $stmt->bind_param use mysqli_stmt_bind_param, thus:

$sql = 'INSERT INTO tabela (userid, username, meses, percdev)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)';

if ($stmt = mysqli_prepare($mysqli, $sql))
    mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, 'isii', $user_id, $user_name, $meses, $percdev);


If the script is running normally, but the results are not recording, it may be autocommit off.

With this you can try to "turn on" autocommit:

include "../conex.php";

// Transforma em UTF8 pra gravar acentos no servidor

$mysqli->autocommit(true);//Liga o autocommit

You can also test whether the INSERT, UPDATE or REPLACE affected the table using mysqli_affected_rows:

printf("Error: %s.\n", $stmt->error);
printf("%d linhas inseridas.\n", $stmt->affected_rows);

Return 0 it is because nay is a problem with the autocommit, that’s right disconnected he issue the value of affected lines greater than 0 if the query succeeds.

If you want to (need to) use rollbacks, then turn off the autocommit and in the end use mysql_commit after the process is ok:

printf("Error: %s.\n", $stmt->error);



  • Thanks man, I see here... +1

  • Then including printf("%d linhas inseridas.\n", $stmt->affected_rows); = Error: . 0 rows inserted. You talked about OO, but no, using procedural really, is that I created a division of folders type MVC, but I’m just starting to learn OO, and I won’t/I can change the entire project... Thanks so far...

  • And in procedural it would look like? I’m seeing by here and in the mysqli part says it is bind_param and in PDO is bindParam... as I said I was still learning, and I thought for OO was PDO and procedural was mysqli...

  • 2

    I edited your answer, hope you don’t mind @Guilhermenascimento.

  • 1

    @Edilson I had not seen your comment with the solution, thank you, however I had already edited, with example Oop and procedural (the case of AP it uses procedural), but still I am very grateful

  • 2

    There is no problem, the important thing is that the doubt is clarified. Another thing is, that in prepare the $stmt->prepare($sql); should be $stmt = $mysqli->prepare($sql), because he closed the conexão with $mysqli->close(). Just edit that part out.

  • 1

    @Edilson Kk was time to copy the doc - ok thank you

  • Perfect! Thanks to both!

  • 2

    @gustavox avoid documentation of w3schools and in English, see: and

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