Bug in PDO? Table disappears after INSERT command, how to debug?


Viewed 156 times



I’m creating a library with some "magic methods" on top of PDO, already I did it with Mysqli and worked beautifully. The intention is to use in a Framework I am building, finally no more jabá.


Mysteriously my test table is being deleted right after (or during, I’m not sure) INSERT.

BUG: Tabela sumiu


Filing cabinet: php test.


     $con = New ConnectionPDO;

     echo '<pre>';
     var_dump( $con->getTables() );
     echo '</pre>';

     $r = $con->insert('tab_teste',Array('id'=>1,'name' => 'First Record', 'col3' => 'test '))->execute();
     $log .= ($r ? 'Success' : 'Fail') . PHP_EOL;

     echo '<pre>';
     echo $con->lastSQL() . PHP_EOL;
     echo '</pre>';

     echo '<pre>';
     var_dump( $con->getTables() );
     echo '</pre>';

Class: Connectionpdo


 class ConnectionPDO extends PDO {

    function __construct($dsn, $username = NULL, $password = NULL, $options = NULL) {
       parent::__construct($dsn, $username, $password, $options);

    private function LoadDriverMethods(){
       $driver = __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'drivers' . 
                           DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'sqldriver.' . 
                           strtolower($this->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME)) . '.php';

       if (!is_file($driver))
          throw new Exception('Não foi possível carregar os métodos do driver', 1);

       require_once $driver;
       $this->driver = new SQLDriver();

    public function insert($table, $data) {
       $this->lastSQL = $this->driver->insert($table, $data);

       $stmt = $this->prepare($this->lastSQL);


       $this->log .= $this->driver->flushLog();

       return $this->stmt;


Class: Sqldriver

 class SQLDriver implements DriverInterface {

    public function insert($table, $data){


       $sql = "INSERT INTO `{$table}` ";

       $colunms = Array();

       $values  = Array();

       foreach ($data as $col => $value) {
          $colunms[] = "`{$col}`";
          $values[]  = '?';

          $this->addParam($col, $value);

       $sql .= '(' . implode(', ', $colunms) . ') VALUES (' . implode(', ', $values) . ');';

       $this->log .= $sql . PHP_EOL;

       return $sql;

    public function addParam($key, $value){
       //$this->params[':'.$key] = $value;
       $this->params[] = $value;

    public function setParams(PDOStatement $stmt){
       $params = $this->getParams();
       $this->log .=  'Setando Parâmetros: '.PHP_EOL;
       if (is_array($params) && !empty($params)){
          foreach ($params as $param => $value){
             $stmt->bindValue($param+1, $this->prepareParam($value), $this->getParamType($value));
             $this->log .=  $param+1 . ' => ' . $this->prepareParam($value) . PHP_EOL;
       $this->log .= PHP_EOL.'-----------------------------'.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL;


I just put the code around the error. The complete code can be seen in the links:

Unless someone downloads the code and keeps testing and searching I don’t think you’ll find the problem so easily, then the main question here is, how to debug the PDO? High school is, what might be causing this? The third, why?

  • Perhaps when you have more time, enter the script. So far, good luck.

  • How to inspect the script?

  • See what’s wrong with it -, you said you have an error/problem, which can be located only with tests.

  • Does any error appear for you? I am testing and here the times of failure in the query.

  • No error appears, just reports as if everything is fine. For example, notice that you have a log variable, where you store "Success" or "fail" from the first INSERT, for me it appears every time Success and then the DELETE and UPDATE scripts work normally too. However, from the first INSERT the table has already disappeared from the database, so I do not understand, if this error would be more justifiable.

  • 2

    So the only thing I noticed wrong was in Sert, from Pdoconnection, a temporal varietal is created $stmt and you move on $this->stmt. https://github.com/KaduAmaral/ConnectionPDO/blob/master/ConnectionPDO.php#L52 , o select() tbm has this.

  • Caraca, now explains everything, since the statement stored in the variable $this->stmt is that of the previously executed method $con->drop()... :The I spent all day and I didn’t notice it. I’m home now, there’s no way to test it, but if you move there to $this->stmt instead of $stmt works the $con->selectdown below?

  • I tested this way http://pastebin.com/w5PRTcHM with the modifications I suggested in the previous comment.

  • Beauty I think is the problem, tomorrow I test. I have to finish a college job here. Thanks, if you want to post as answer tomorrow when I test I mark.

  • Output from the code is that one

  • - That’s interesting, I’ve already downloaded the code with the hope of being able to read today. But if this is the problem, it shouldn’t cost anything to solve.

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1 answer


Part of the problem is the example of the question it does not simulate the symptom of the table disappear, already the github makes clear.


The method insert(), the select also, prepares the last sql statement but returns the previous prepared query ie the combination of the test DROP TABLE is executed twice.

I set up a smaller test, I just made a change to highlight the problem, I changed the visibility $stmt in ConnectionPDO from private to public only for testing, so it is possible to see which was the last query executed through queryString and make the comparison.

ini_set('display_errors', TRUE);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', TRUE);
$stmt = NULL;
function __autoload($class){
   if (class_exists($class)) return true;
   $ext = '.php';
   if (file_exists($dir.$class.$ext)) require_once $dir.$class.$ext;
   else exit('Couldn\'t open class '.$class.'!');
$settings = Array(
   'driver'    => 'mysql',
   'host'      => 'localhost',
   'port'      => '3306',
   'schema'    => 'pdoweb2',
   'username'  => 'root',
   'password'  => 'root'
$dns = $settings['driver'] . ':host=' . $settings['host'] . 
                             ';port=' . $settings['port'] . 
                             ';dbname=' . $settings['schema'];
$con = new ConnectionPDO($dns, $settings['username'], $settings['password']);

$r = $con->drop('tab_teste');

    $fields = Array('id' => Array('type' => 'int', 'size' => '4', 'comment' => 'first key', 'auto' => true),
                    'name' => Array('type' => 'varchar', 'size' => '60', 'comment' => 'test name'),
                    'col3' => Array('type' => 'varchar', 'size' => '60', 'default' => NULL,'comment' => 'test name')

    $sql =  'CREATE TABLE `tab_teste` (' . PHP_EOL .
            '   name VARCHAR(60),' . PHP_EOL .
            '   col3 VARCHAR(60) DEFAULT NULL' . PHP_EOL .

    $r = $con->query($sql);

    echo 'getTables()<pre>';        
    echo '</pre>';

    $r = $con->insert('tab_teste',Array('id'=>1,'name' => 'First Record', 'col3' => 'test '))->execute();

    echo 'LastSQL: '. $con->lastSQL() .'<br>';
    echo 'Ultima consulta preparada: '. $con->stmt->queryString .'<br><br>';

    $r = $con->insert('tab_teste',Array('id'=>2,'name' => 'Second Record', 'col3' => 'test '))->execute();
    echo 'LastSQL: '. $con->lastSQL() .'<br>';
    echo 'Ultima consulta preparada: '. $con->stmt->queryString .'<br><br>';

    echo 'getTables()<pre>';        
    echo '</pre>';

The exit was:


    [0] => tab_teste

LastSQL: INSERT INTO `tab_teste` (`id`, `name`, `col3`) VALUES (?, ?, ?);
Ultima consulta preparada: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tab_teste`;

LastSQL: INSERT INTO `tab_teste` (`id`, `name`, `col3`) VALUES (?, ?, ?);
Ultima consulta preparada: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tab_teste`;



The first instruction executed is a drop() no problem occurs, the next is a insert() here is where the problem happens, the Insert is prepared and played in a local variable $stmt and a few lines later is returned the mémbro $this->stmt that has previously processed the drop.

public function insert($table, $data) {
   $this->lastSQL = $this->driver->insert($table, $data);
   $stmt = $this->prepare($this->lastSQL); //<--- variável local
   $this->log .= $this->driver->flushLog();
   return $this->stmt; //<--- retorno da consulta anterior, o drop no caso

public function drop($table){
   $this->lastSQL = $this->driver->drop($table);
   $this->stmt = $this->prepare($this->lastSQL);
   $this->log .= $this->driver->flushLog();
   return $this->stmt;

To fix this make the assignment in the meson instead of the local variable, apply the change in the insert() and select().


$stmt = $this->prepare($this->lastSQL);


$this->stmt = $this->prepare($this->lastSQL);
  • It worked perfectly well. : D I searched a lot to know how to see the query executed $con->stmt->queryString, but I only saw people saying that there was no way, because the query and the parameters were sent separately to the server... Now it is the DROP that does not work...

  • 1

    @Kaduamaral, the next to take the values of the consultation I arrived that was it

  • Cool @rray, if you don’t mind I’ll use your code in the debug methods, that’s fine?

  • @Kaduamaral, you can use, that’s objective :D

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