Dynamic table


Viewed 126 times


Friends, I need to create a dynamic table in HTML and Javascript that will work as follows:

I have a series of items in a Combobox and when selecting, creates a column in a table. After, I add another Combobox, where I select another item and after this item creates another column in the Table.

The following is an example attached.

Please, could someone help me?

Thank you very muchinserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • 1

    Do you have any code of your attempts to show?

1 answer


You can apdatate this code for your use:

<select class="input-xxlarge empresaRegistro" name="empresaRegistro" id="empresaRegistro" style="width: 715px !important;" onChange="getFuncionario()">
    <option value="">Selecione a Empresa</option>
        foreach($lista_cedente as $valor){
        <option value="<? echo $valor->idCedente; ?>"><? echo $valor->razaosocial; ?></option>
    <? } ?>

Script jQuery:

        function getFuncionario() {
            var id = $('#empresaRegistro').val();
            $(".idFuncionarioLista").append('<option value="0">Carregando...</option>');
            $.post("<? echo base_url(''); ?>proventos/ajax/funcionario/"+id,


In this scheme: When you select the Registration Company (Company field), I enter the ajax and search all the data and list them below in a next field select also called idFunctionshipList. You can do the same type of jquery to search for the next select, then using onchange="NAMESENCUNCAO()" in select idFunctionaryList for example.

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