How to view data from a Cordova database?


Viewed 560 times


I wonder if there is a way to access and view recorded data from a database Cordova?

I have an app mobile (Android and iOS) and I know I can view the logs using log or alert but, is there any way to view this data on the device whether by an application or other means? Native Android apps used Sqlite Database Browser but does not work with Cordova.

Thank you for the reply and sorry for the delay! I tried to add ip, hostname and did not complete the process of adding pc on smartphone. Shows error stating that it was not located. When trying to let the smartphone locate some networked pc, also does not locate.

2 answers


  1. On your Desktop install the Chrome Browser extension Adobe Edge Inspect CC.

  2. On your Mobile Device install the "Edge Inspect App"

  3. Put the two on the same Wifi network.

  4. On your Mobile Device create a Connection by informing your Desktop IP.

Your mobile device now talks to the Desktop and facilitates Debug and Asset Viewing on the Device.

On the Adobe website says it works with Android and iOS but I only used with iOS so far. You should not have problems with Android.

The Desktop must be Windows or MAC OS X. I only tested on MAC OS X.

  • 1

    Thank you for the reply and sorry for the delay! I tried to add ip, hostname and did not complete the process of adding pc on smartphone. Shows error stating that it was not located. When trying to let the smartphone locate some networked pc, also does not locate.


Google Chrome has implemented a new technology that allows remote debugging through the browser on any element that uses Webkit, for example a Webview in an App, as Cordova uses or the browser. This requires having Chrome 32 on your computer and device, a usb cable, and drivers for Windows users.

To enable remote debugging you must go on options to develop on Android (Settings -> Programmer in version 4.4.2 of Android). Then you must activate USB Debugging.

On the computer access the address about:inspect in Google Chrome to enable the feature. The process is simple and should not cause problems. When everything is ready connect your device through a USB cable. The first time the device will ask to accept an RSA key, so you can start the remote debug by going to the Google Chrome menu --> Tools --> Inspect Devices.

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