Assembling a CAKEPHP Array


Viewed 56 times


Guys, I need some help setting up a bad array here. I got a calendar (bootstrap Calendar) ready and I’m trying to implement it on my site with Cakephp. All right with the layout but when searching for the information in the bank he expects to receive an Array as follows:

{"success":1,"result":[{"0":"1","id":"1","1":"Teste","title":"Teste","2":"Apenas para Teste","body":"Apenas para Teste","3":".\/descripcion_evento.php?id=1","url":".\/descripcion_evento.php?id=1","4":"event-important","class":"event-important","5":"1443105000000","start":"1443105000000","6":"1443112800000","end":"1443112800000"}]}

In the original vault he rides as follows:

if ($conexion->query($sql)->num_rows) { 
    $datos = array(); 


    $e = $conexion->query($sql); 

        $datos[$i] = $row;

    echo json_encode(               
                "success" => 1,     
                "result" => $datos  

But there’s no way I can do that for cakephp. The best result I’ve had is this:


My controller was like this:

public function obter_eventos(){
    $datos = $this->Agenda->find('all');

    foreach ($datos as $key => $dato) {
        foreach ($dato as $value) {
            $i = 0;
            foreach ($value as $valor) {
                $datos[$key]['Agenda'][$i] = $valor;

    echo json_encode(              
            "success" => 1,     
            "result" => $datos  


I appreciate the help.

  • You can post the result of a var_dump of the variable $datos?

  • From Model: array (size=1) 0 => array (size=1) 'Agenda' => array (size=7) 'id' => string '1' (length=1) 'title' => string 'test' (length=5) 'body' => string 'test' (length=5) 'url' => 'test' string(length=5) 'class' => string 'Event-Important' (length=15) 'start' => string '1443105000000' (length=13) 'end' => string '1443112800000' (length=13)

  • After Model : array (size=1) 0 => array (size=1) 'Agenda' => array (size=7) 'id' => string '1' (length=1) 'title' => string 'test' (length=5) 'body' => string 'test' (length=5) 'url' => 'test' string(length=5) 'class' => string 'Event-Important' (length=15) 'start' => string '1443105000000' (length=13) 'end' => string '1443112800000' (length=13)

  • Rodrigo, get this one var_dump when more than one query log comes? Take it right after the query, after the line $datos = $this->Agenda->find('all'); does the var_dump of the result.

  • It normally mounts the 2 array, not to put here because it exceeds the character size.

  • Rodrigo on the line "result" => $datos exchange for "result" => $datos['Agenda']. I think it already solves your problem, if it works out, let me know to publish as answer.

  • Ask the question, just click on edit just below it. But do this test I said before...

  • Strange it returned null {"Success":1,"result":null}

  • Either you changed something, or you passed me one var_dump different from what you have in the variable.

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1 answer


Just to be on the record and thank Kadu, this is the solution to this problem.

public function obter_eventos(){
    $datos = $this->Agenda->find('all');

    foreach ($datos as $key => $dato) {
        foreach ($dato as $value) {
            $i = 0;
            foreach ($value as $putoti => $valor) {
                $dados[$key][$i] = $valor;
                $dados[$key][$putoti] = $valor;
    echo json_encode(              
            "success" => 1,     
            "result" => $dados


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