I found a list indicating some keyboard keys to use in Keyup event, I did not check all but "F2" worked.
Then just change in the if.
//Verificando se foi acionado a tecla F2
if(e.KeyChar == **113**){
Follows the list:
8: Put (' [BACKSPACE] on);
9: Place (' [GRT]);
12: Put (' [AM] written);
13: Put (' [ENTER] in);
16: Puts (' [SHIFT] in);
17: Put (' [CONTROL] in);
18: Put (' [AM] written);
20: Put (' [CAPS LOCK] in);
21: Put (' [PAGE UP] in);
27: Set (' [ESC] up);
33: Put (' [PAGE UP] in);
34: Put (' [PAGE DOWN] in);
35: Puts (' [END] in);
36: Place (' [HOME] in);
37: Put (' [LEFT ARROW] in);
38: Place (' [ARROW ABOVE]);
39: Place (' [RIGHT ARROW] Position);
40: Put (' [ARROW BELOW] in);
45: Put (' [INSERT] in);
46: Put (' [DEL] written);
91: Put (' [WIN LEFT] in);
92: Put (' [WIN RIGHT] in);
93: Put (' [POP-UP MENU] in);
96: Place('0&8242;);
97: Place('1&8242;);
98: Place('2&8242;);
99: Place('3&8242;);
100: Place('4&8242;);
101: Put('5&8242;);
102: Place('6&8242;);
103: Place('7&8242;);
104: Place('8&8242;);
105: Place('9&8242;);
106: Places (' [NUM *] );
107: Puts (' [NUM +] in);
109: Puts (' [NUM -] in);
110: Put (' [TO ONE SEP. DECIMAL] in);
111: Put (' [NUM /] above);
112: Put (' [F1] on);
113: Put (' [F2] written);
114: Put (' [F3] written);
115: Put (' [F4] written);
116: Put (' [F5] in);
117: Put (' [F6] written);
118: Put (' [F7] written);
119: Put (' [F8] written);
120: Put (' [F9] in);
121: Place (' [F10] in);
122: Put (' [F11] written);
123: Place (' [F12] in);
144: Places (' [NUM LOCK] on);
186: Place('Ç');
187: Place ('=);
188: Place(',);
189: Place ('-);
190: Put('.);
191: Place(';);
192: Put (' [APOSTROPHE] in);
193: Place ('/);
194: Puts (' [ONE POINT] in);
219: Place (' ');
220: Place (']);
221: Place('[);
222: Place('~);
226: Place(');
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– Maniero