I have a test function that should receive different input combinations, to define these patterns I will use a truth table.
However, I’m having difficulty generating the truth table, I made an initial prototype, which works well with up to 11 entries, from this it gets very slow.
I did it this way:
Using Random Gero binary numbers for each of the entries. For example: if the program has 5 entries, Gero 5 random numbers (between 0 and 1).
These numbers are joined in a string to form the combination and then played in a list (if unique or not already discovered). From the number of entries, I can know the total number of combinations to be generated, so by completing the total, the program ends.
However, by trying to figure out each combination randomly, by requiring a truth table with 20 entries, for example (which would generate over 1 million combinations), the program becomes extremely slow to complete the task. Because in the end, many combinations are repeated that have already been created and the discovery of new combinations becomes extremely difficult. There is another more efficient way to solve this problem?
public void GerarTabela(int entradas)
double TotalDeLinhas = Math.Pow(2,Convert.ToDouble(entradas)); // Calcula o total de linhas a serem geradas;
int[] linha = new int[entradas]; // Cada elemento da linha é jogado em uma posição do vetor
int LinhasGeradas = 0;
string LinhaString = ""; // Do vetor, os elementos são unidos nesta String
List<string> linhas = new List<string>();
Random randNum = new Random();
while (LinhasGeradas < TotalDeLinhas) //Permanece no loop enquanto não completar todas as combinações.
for (int i=0; i < Entradas; i++) // Gera uma combinação
linha[i] = new int();
linha[i] = randNum.Next(0, 2); //Gera um num. aleatório entre 0 e 1;
for (int i=0; i < Entradas; i++) //Transforma o vetor de combinações em uma única string. (Ex: 0 - 1 - 0 - 1)
if (i == Entradas - 1) // Se for o ultimo número da combinação, não irá ter traço após ele.
LinhaString += linha[i];
} else
LinhaString += linha[i] + " - ";
if (!linhas.Contains(LinhaString)) // Se não tiver esta combinação na lista, adiciona ela.
LinhaString = "";
MessageBox.Show("Tabela verdade gerada com sucesso!","Concluído!");
Can you put the code C# in your question, please?
– Leonel Sanches da Silva
As requested, I included the code here.
– DanOver
This random path is very strange. Have some motivation to use it?
– Leonel Sanches da Silva
It was a gambit, because my logical knowledge is limited, but I’ve already removed.
– DanOver