Catch a certain amount within a Windowsphone Menuflyout


Viewed 22 times


I have a question on WP8. I have a listview and inside it I have a Menuflyout , my doubt is how do I get the value of a certain column after the click is done on Menuflyout. Follow the code:

    <ListView  x:Name="listaCliente" ItemsSource="{Binding Cliente}" Background="Black"  Margin="0,34,9.833,33.833" >
                                    <StackPanel Holding="ListViewItem_Holding" >
                                                <MenuFlyoutItem Name="menuLigarDt" Text="Ligar" Click="CMLIGAR" />
                                                <MenuFlyoutItem Text="Localizar" />
                                                <MenuFlyoutItem Text="Mensagem" />
                                    <Run Text="{Binding razao}" FontWeight="Bold" FontSize="35" Foreground="White"/>
                                    <Run Text=" - " FontWeight="Bold" FontSize="20" Foreground="White"/>
                                    <Run Text="{Binding fantasia}" FontWeight="Bold" FontSize="35" Foreground="White" />
  • 1

    Rodrigo your code does not appear.

  • Strange... but I’ll copy it again. It’s the same way I’m new to stackoverflow I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong, I just copied and pasted the code

  • is now appearing ?

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