PHP - Foreach auto tuning


Viewed 168 times


During development, it is often the case that a request is made to the database, in which the returned data comes in array, sometimes it is necessary to perform a foreach to adjust these data or even include more data according to a specific data.

Example :

$dadosUsuario = $this->UsuarioModel->getDados('all');

foreach($dadosUsuario as $k => $dadoUsuario){

    $nome = $dadoUsuario['name'];
    $lastName = $dadoUsuario['name'];

    $fullName = sprintf('%s %s', $name, $lastName);

    $dadoUsuario['fullName'] = $fullName;

    $dadosUsuario[$k] = $dadoUsuario;

Note that it was necessary to reallocate the value of $dadosUsuario[$k]

I’d have some way of making it more dynamic?

  • You can use methods such as array_walk(): or array_walk_recursive() :

2 answers


Yes would have, the passage by reference &

Example :

foreach($dadosUsuario as $k => &$dadoUsuario){

    $nome = $dadoUsuario['name'];
    $lastName = $dadoUsuario['name'];

    $fullName = sprintf('%s %s', $name, $lastName);

    $dadoUsuario['fullName'] = $fullName;

Note, the & in $dadoUsuario, so the variable points directly to the array’s Dice, i.e., it directly represents an adjustment itself $dadosUsuario[$k].


I don’t know exactly what you want to do, but here’s an example:

$dadoUsuario = array('... vem os dados do banco');

function getDadosUsuario($item, $key)
  $parseNames = explode(' ',$item['nome']);
   $fullName = $item['nome'];
   $fistName = $parseNames[0];
   $lastName = $parseNames[1];
   $lastNameComplete = implode(' ',$parseNames); 

    $dadoUsuario[$key] = array(
         'nome_completo'      => $fullName,
         'nome'               => $fistName,
         'sobrenome'          => $lastName 
         'sobrenome_completo' => $lastNameComplete


array_walk_recursive($dadosUsuario, 'getDadosUsuario');
  • Sorry @Ivan, I don’t know if you understand the purpose of the question, but I just wanted to demonstrate that it is possible to pass by reference in the last element of the foreach. As for the code, I didn’t understand why you made one explode and implode and I can just pick it up $item['nome']. But thank you for participating.

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