Asp.Net Questionnaire


Viewed 549 times


I am creating a system of evaluations, where teachers will feed a database of questions that will later be part of activities that will be made available to students.

My question is when to present the activity to the students, where I need to list all the questions and their alternatives and then store the students' answers.

Below is the DER of the problem: Der

  • What do you mean "where"?

  • The "where" was poorly expressed. I thought about creating a view that lists all the questions and brings combobox to the alternatives. My question is how to save all answers when the student clicks to finish

  • Post what you’ve already done. We need to see where you are to help.

  • At the moment I already register the questions, activities, teachers and students. I’m just finishing uploading the latest changes to git, and I’m sending the repository link

  • You better read this:


  • Okay. I will improve my question

  • I have a feeling I already answered that. Wouldn’t be this here?

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