How to sort the data of a query by predefined values?


Viewed 1,166 times


Using as an example, I have a certain user table, where that user’s city is, is a reference to another table.

I need to order these users in a query according to the location of the current logged in user. Example, if I live in Belo Horizonte, the user data of the Belo Horizonte.

I know that in Mysql the ORDER BY acts as a means of sorting by the value in the column, but I don’t know how to sort by specific values.

For example, I want the order to be: Belo Horizonte and from then on it makes no difference.

In a fictional example I’ll show you what I want:

First I take the city’s value:

$valor = Auth::user()->cidade->nome; // 'Belo Horizonte'

Then I want the ordering of records to start with users who have the same city and, after that, be indifferent.

SELECT * FROM usuarios JOIN = usuarios.cidade_id
ORDER BY <cidade.nome COMEÇANDO DE $valor>

Fictional code - I know it would make a syntax error, it’s just a demonstration of what I want.

Is there any way to sort the data of a query, other than by the table field, but by predefined specified values?

4 answers


It would be something like that:

SELECT * FROM usuarios 
INNER JOIN estados e on = usuarios.estado_id
ORDER BY e.sigla = 'MG' DESC, e.sigla

The reference is here.


Yeah, you can do something like that:

  FROM usuarios 
INNER JOIN estados
   ON = usuarios.estado_id
ORDER BY CASE WHEN estados.nome = $valor THEN 1 ELSE 2 END, estados.nome  

The logic is quite simple, if the user state is the one indicated in the $value variable, then we assign the value 1 (indicating higher priority), otherwise we assign 2. After that you can use any other column to sort the remaining records. In this case I order by alphabetical order of states.

Here’s the Sqlfiddle to see how it works in practice.


Yes, you can specify literally the values you want to appear first in the query:

  FROM usuarios 
INNER JOIN estados
  ON = usuarios.estado_id
ORDER BY estados.sigla = 'MG', estados.sigla asc


Would be like this, if you have Acre and Alagoas, will order by the same, if you have neither of the two will order by Amazon :

SELECT * FROM usuarios JOIN = usuarios.estado_id
ORDER BY CASE estados.nome
  WHEN 'Acre' THEN 'Acre'
  WHEN 'Alagoas' THEN 'Alagoas'
  ELSE 'Amazonas'

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