Error doing Insert in PHP database


Viewed 1,080 times


I am trying to do the data Insert in Mysql, no error appears but does not insert the values in the database.


        INCLUDE "conexao.php";

        if (isset($_POST["submit"])) {

        $cod_produto = $_POST['cod_produto'];
        $dsc_produto = $_POST['dsc_produto'];
        $preco_produto = $_POST['preco_produto'];
        $qtd_estoque = $_POST['qtd_estoque'];

        $sql = "INSERT INTO estoque (cod_produto, dsc_produto, preco_produto, qtd_estoque) VALUES ('".$cod_produto."', '".$dsc_produto."', '".$preco_produto."', '".$qtd_estoque."')";
            if (!mysqli_query($sql)) {
            die('Error: ' . mysqli_error()); 

            echo" error";


I already tested the connection and it’s ok.

With the help of the staff I was able to find the mistakes.

  1. Submit was not working, correct code:

    <button id="btn_aceitar" name="submit" value="submit" class="btn btn-success" type="Submit">Adicionar produto</button>
  2. was forgetting to call the query itself, correct code:

        INCLUDE "conexao.php";
        if (isset($_POST["submit"])) {
        $cod_produto = $_POST['cod_produto'];
        $dsc_produto = $_POST['dsc_produto'];
        $preco_produto = $_POST['preco_produto'];
        $qtd_estoque = $_POST['qtd_estoque'];
        $sql = "INSERT INTO estoque (cod_produto, dsc_produto, preco_produto, qtd_estoque) VALUES ('".$cod_produto."', '".$dsc_produto."', '".$preco_produto."', '".$qtd_estoque."')";
        $mysql = mysqli_query($conexao,$sql);
            if (!mysql) {
            die('Error: ' . mysqli_error()); 
        else {
            echo "Completo";
        else {
            echo "submit error";

Thanks a lot.

  • In your code, if it is true it presents error and if it is false too. The data is entered?

  • If you solved the problem, you can create an answer explaining the details.

2 answers


  • Good! Actually I forgot to call the function itself, I edited my question with the corrected code.


Your code checks if $_POST["Submit"] is true.

It is the only part of your code that, if false, shows no error. Make sure some value is being passed to $_POST['Ubmit'].

  • Good! I think I have some error in Submit. To avoid Injection, I should use an Insert filter instead?

  • To check for a post type request, you can simply use an if($_POST). To avoid injections you can use this function ( applied by an array_map in the $_POST array.

  • I’ll do some research, thank you.

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