Wordpress Paging Problem - Site within a folder, but that is accessed by the domain root


Viewed 62 times


I need a lot of help from you, I am a beginner in Wordpress and although I have some notion of logic, I am still very layman in programming.

I made a wordpress installation inside a folder called blog, getting www.meusite.com/blog, and for the site to be accessed directly from the root, copied the index.php file and informed the new path, to access only by www.meusite.com

The site loads normally, but the pagination of the posts displayed on the error home page:

For example, on the button for pág.2, the link meusite.com/page/2/ appears, but when you click, just reload the page.

If I type directly in the browser meusite.com/blog/page/2/ then the other pages work with the pagination, except if you click to the 1st page, which returns to the site root.

Searching the code, I discovered the file responsible for paging and tried to put the full address where pulls the url:


$text = str_replace( $format, number_format_i18n( $page ), $raw_text );
    return "<a href='" . esc_url( $this->get_url( $page ) ) . "'>$text</a>";


$text = str_replace( $format, number_format_i18n( $page ), $raw_text );
    return "<a href='/blog" . esc_url( $this->get_url( $page ) ) . "'>$text</a>";

It worked only on the first page that is clicked, because after the page is clicked, when reload returns http://meusite.com/blog/blog link to other pages...

Has anyone gone through this or has any idea how to fix this error?

Below follows the complete code of this file:

function wp_pagenavi( $args = array() ) {

$defaults = array(
    'before' => '',
    'after' => '',
    'class_active' => 'current',
    'container' => 'div',
    'container_class' => 'pagination-container',
    'menu_class' => 'pagination-menu',
    'style' => 'list',
    'options' => array(
        'pages_text'    => get_setting('pagination_pages_text', __( 'Page %CURRENT_PAGE% of %TOTAL_PAGES%', 'tema' )),
        'current_text'  => get_setting('pagination_current_text', '%PAGE_NUMBER%'),
        'page_text'     => get_setting('pagination_page_text', '%PAGE_NUMBER%'),
        'Primeira_text'    => get_setting('pagination_Primeira_text', __( '&laquo; Primeira', 'tema' )),
        'Última_text'     => get_setting('pagination_Última_text', __( 'Última &raquo;', 'tema' )),
        'prev_text'     => get_setting('pagination_prev_text', __( '&laquo;', 'tema' )),
        'next_text'     => get_setting('pagination_next_text', __( '&raquo;', 'tema' )),
        'dotleft_text'  => get_setting('pagination_dotleft_text', __( '&hellip;', 'tema' )),
        'dotright_text' => get_setting('pagination_dotright_text', __( '&hellip;', 'tema' )),
        'num_pages'     => get_setting('pagination_num_pages', 5),
        'num_larger_page_numbers'   => get_setting('pagination_num_larger_page_numbers', 3),
        'larger_page_numbers_multiple'  => get_setting('pagination_larger_page_numbers_multiple', 10),
        'always_show'   => get_setting('pagination_always_show', false)
    'query' => $GLOBALS['wp_query'],
    'type' => 'posts',
    'echo' => true
$args = wp_parse_args( $args, apply_filters( 'tema_pagination_defaults', $defaults ) );
extract( $args, EXTR_SKIP );

$instance = new PageNavi_Call( $args );

list( $posts_per_page, $paged, $total_pages ) = $instance->get_pagination_args();

if ( 1 == $total_pages && !$options['always_show'] ) return;

$pages_to_show = absint( $options['num_pages'] );
$larger_page_to_show = absint( $options['num_larger_page_numbers'] );
$larger_page_multiple = absint( $options['larger_page_numbers_multiple'] );
$pages_to_show_minus_1 = $pages_to_show - 1;
$half_page_start = floor( $pages_to_show_minus_1/2 );
$half_page_end = ceil( $pages_to_show_minus_1/2 );
$start_page = $paged - $half_page_start;

if ( $start_page <= 0 )
    $start_page = 1;

$end_page = $paged + $half_page_end;

if ( ( $end_page - $start_page ) != $pages_to_show_minus_1 )
    $end_page = $start_page + $pages_to_show_minus_1;

if ( $end_page > $total_pages ) {
    $start_page = $total_pages - $pages_to_show_minus_1;
    $end_page = $total_pages;

if ( $start_page < 1 )
    $start_page = 1;

$out = '';
switch ( $style ) {
    // Normal
    case 'list':
        // Text
        if ( !empty( $options['pages_text'] ) ) {
            $pages_text = str_replace(
                array( "%CURRENT_PAGE%", "%TOTAL_PAGES%" ),
                array( number_format_i18n( $paged ), number_format_i18n( $total_pages ) ),
            $options['pages_text'] );
            $out .= "<li><span class='pages'>$pages_text</span></li>";

        if ( $start_page >= 2 && $pages_to_show < $total_pages ) {
            // Primeira
            $Primeira_text = str_replace( '%TOTAL_PAGES%', number_format_i18n( $total_pages ), $options['Primeira_text'] );
            $out .= '<li class="Primeira">' . $instance->get_single( 1, 'Primeira', $Primeira_text, '%TOTAL_PAGES%' ) . '</li>';

        // Previous
        if ( $paged > 1 && !empty( $options['prev_text'] ) )
            $out .= '<li class="previouspostslink">' . $instance->get_single( $paged - 1, 'previouspostslink', $options['prev_text'] ) . '</li>';

        if ( $start_page >= 2 && $pages_to_show < $total_pages ) {
            if ( !empty( $options['dotleft_text'] ) )
                $out .= "<li><span class='extend'>{$options['dotleft_text']}</span></li>";

        // Smaller pages
        $larger_pages_array = array();
        if ( $larger_page_multiple )
            for ( $i = $larger_page_multiple; $i <= $total_pages; $i+= $larger_page_multiple )
                $larger_pages_array[] = $i;

        $larger_page_start = 0;
        foreach ( $larger_pages_array as $larger_page ) {
            if ( $larger_page < ($start_page - $half_page_start) && $larger_page_start < $larger_page_to_show ) {
                $out .= '<li class="smaller page">' . $instance->get_single( $larger_page, 'smaller page', $options['page_text'] ) . '</li>';

        if ( $larger_page_start )
            $out .= "<li><span class='extend'>{$options['dotleft_text']}</span></li>";

        // Page numbers
        $timeline = 'smaller';
        foreach ( range( $start_page, $end_page ) as $i ) {
            if ( $i == $paged && !empty( $options['current_text'] ) ) {
                $current_page_text = str_replace( '%PAGE_NUMBER%', number_format_i18n( $i ), $options['current_text'] );
                $out .= "<li class='$class_active'><span>$current_page_text</span></li>";
                $timeline = 'larger';
            } else {
                $out .= '<li class="page ' . $timeline . '">' . $instance->get_single( $i, "page $timeline", $options['page_text'] ) . '</li>';

        // Large pages
        $larger_page_end = 0;
        $larger_page_out = '';
        foreach ( $larger_pages_array as $larger_page ) {
            if ( $larger_page > ($end_page + $half_page_end) && $larger_page_end < $larger_page_to_show ) {
                $larger_page_out .= '<li class="larger page">' . $instance->get_single( $larger_page, 'larger page', $options['page_text'] ) . '</li>';

        if ( $larger_page_out ) {
            $out .= "<li><span class='extend'>{$options['dotright_text']}</span></li>";
        $out .= $larger_page_out;

        if ( $end_page < $total_pages ) {
            if ( !empty( $options['dotright_text'] ) )
                $out .= "<li><span class='extend'>{$options['dotright_text']}</span></li>";

        // Next
        if ( $paged < $total_pages && !empty( $options['next_text'] ) )
            $out .= '<li class="nextpostslink">' . $instance->get_single( $paged + 1, 'nextpostslink', $options['next_text'] ) . '</li>';

        if ( $end_page < $total_pages ) {
            // Última
            $out .= '<li class="Última">' . $instance->get_single( $total_pages, 'Última', $options['Última_text'], '%TOTAL_PAGES%' ) . '</li>';
    // Normal
    case 'simple':
        // Text
        if ( !empty( $options['pages_text'] ) ) {
            $pages_text = str_replace(
                array( "%CURRENT_PAGE%", "%TOTAL_PAGES%" ),
                array( number_format_i18n( $paged ), number_format_i18n( $total_pages ) ),
            $options['pages_text'] );
            $out .= "<span class='pages'>$pages_text</span>";

        if ( $start_page >= 2 && $pages_to_show < $total_pages ) {
            // Primeira
            $Primeira_text = str_replace( '%TOTAL_PAGES%', number_format_i18n( $total_pages ), $options['Primeira_text'] );
            $out .= $instance->get_single( 1, 'Primeira', $Primeira_text, '%TOTAL_PAGES%' );

        // Previous
        if ( $paged > 1 && !empty( $options['prev_text'] ) )
            $out .= $instance->get_single( $paged - 1, 'previouspostslink', $options['prev_text'] );

        if ( $start_page >= 2 && $pages_to_show < $total_pages ) {
            if ( !empty( $options['dotleft_text'] ) )
                $out .= "<span class='extend'>{$options['dotleft_text']}</span>";

        // Smaller pages
        $larger_pages_array = array();
        if ( $larger_page_multiple )
            for ( $i = $larger_page_multiple; $i <= $total_pages; $i+= $larger_page_multiple )
                $larger_pages_array[] = $i;

        $larger_page_start = 0;
        foreach ( $larger_pages_array as $larger_page ) {
            if ( $larger_page < ($start_page - $half_page_start) && $larger_page_start < $larger_page_to_show ) {
                $out .= $instance->get_single( $larger_page, 'smaller page', $options['page_text'] );

        if ( $larger_page_start )
            $out .= "<span class='extend'>{$options['dotleft_text']}</span>";

        // Page numbers
        $timeline = 'smaller';
        foreach ( range( $start_page, $end_page ) as $i ) {
            if ( $i == $paged && !empty( $options['current_text'] ) ) {
                $current_page_text = str_replace( '%PAGE_NUMBER%', number_format_i18n( $i ), $options['current_text'] );
                $out .= "<span class='$class_active'>$current_page_text</span>";
                $timeline = 'larger';
            } else {
                $out .= $instance->get_single( $i, "page $timeline", $options['page_text'] );

        // Large pages
        $larger_page_end = 0;
        $larger_page_out = '';
        foreach ( $larger_pages_array as $larger_page ) {
            if ( $larger_page > ($end_page + $half_page_end) && $larger_page_end < $larger_page_to_show ) {
                $larger_page_out .= $instance->get_single( $larger_page, 'larger page', $options['page_text'] );

        if ( $larger_page_out ) {
            $out .= "<span class='extend'>{$options['dotright_text']}</span>";
        $out .= $larger_page_out;

        if ( $end_page < $total_pages ) {
            if ( !empty( $options['dotright_text'] ) )
                $out .= "<span class='extend'>{$options['dotright_text']}</span>";

        // Next
        if ( $paged < $total_pages && !empty( $options['next_text'] ) )
            $out .= $instance->get_single( $paged + 1, 'nextpostslink', $options['next_text'] );

        if ( $end_page < $total_pages ) {
            // Última
            $out .= $instance->get_single( $total_pages, 'Última', $options['Última_text'], '%TOTAL_PAGES%' );
    // Dropdown
    case 'dropdown':
        $out .= '<form action="" method="get">'."\n";
        $out .= '<select size="1" onchange="document.location.href = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">'."\n";

        foreach ( range( 1, $total_pages ) as $i ) {
            $page_num = $i;
            if ( $page_num == 1 )
                $page_num = 0;

            if ( $i == $paged ) {
                $current_page_text = str_replace( '%PAGE_NUMBER%', number_format_i18n( $i ), $options['current_text'] );
                $out .= '<option value="'.esc_url( $instance->get_url( $page_num ) ).'" selected="selected" class="current">'.$current_page_text."</option>\n";
            } else {
                $page_text = str_replace( '%PAGE_NUMBER%', number_format_i18n( $i ), $options['page_text'] );
                $out .= '<option value="'.esc_url( $instance->get_url( $page_num ) ).'">'.$page_text."</option>\n";

        $out .= "</select>\n";
        $out .= "</form>\n";

if( 'list' == $style ) {        
    $out = $before . "<$container class='$container_class'>\n<ul class='$menu_class'>\n$out\n</ul>\n</$container>" . $after;
else {
    $out = $before . "<$container class='$container_class'>\n$out\n</$container>" . $after;

$out = apply_filters( 'wp_pagenavi', $out );

if ( !$echo )
    return $out;

echo $out;


class Pagenavi_call {

protected $args;

function __construct( $args ) {
    $this->args = $args;

function __get( $key ) {
    return $this->args[ $key ];

function get_pagination_args() {
    global $numpages;

    $query = $this->query;

    switch( $this->type ) {
    case 'multipart':
        // Multipart page
        $posts_per_page = 1;
        $paged = max( 1, absint( get_query_var( 'page' ) ) );
        $total_pages = max( 1, $numpages );
    case 'users':
        // WP_User_Query
        $posts_per_page = $query->query_vars['number'];
        $paged = max( 1, floor( $query->query_vars['offset'] / $posts_per_page ) + 1 );
        $total_pages = max( 1, ceil( $query->total_users / $posts_per_page ) );
        // WP_Query
        $posts_per_page = intval( $query->get( 'posts_per_page' ) );
        $paged = max( 1, absint( $query->get( 'paged' ) ) );
        $total_pages = max( 1, absint( $query->max_num_pages ) );

    return array( $posts_per_page, $paged, $total_pages );

function get_single( $page, $class, $raw_text, $format = '%PAGE_NUMBER%' ) {
    if ( empty( $raw_text ) )
        return '';

    $text = str_replace( $format, number_format_i18n( $page ), $raw_text );
    return "<a href='/blog" . esc_url( $this->get_url( $page ) ) . "'>$text</a>";

function get_url( $page ) {
    return ( 'multipart' == $this->type ) ? get_multipage_link( $page ) : get_pagenum_link( $page );



if ( !function_exists( 'get_multipage_link' ) ) : Function get_multipage_link( $page = 1 ) { global $post, $wp_rewrite;

if ( 1 == $page ) {
    $url = get_permalink();
} else {
    if ( '' == get_option('permalink_structure') || in_array( $post->post_status, array( 'draft', 'pending') ) )
        $url = add_query_arg( 'page', $page, get_permalink() );
    elseif ( 'page' == get_option( 'show_on_front' ) && get_option('page_on_front') == $post->ID )
        $url = trailingslashit( get_permalink() ) . user_trailingslashit( $wp_rewrite->pagination_base . "/$page", 'single_paged' );
        $url = trailingslashit( get_permalink() ) . user_trailingslashit( $page, 'single_paged' );

return $url;

} endif;

  • 1

    You have to ask the question: 1) details of how you set up WP to work at the root; 2) exactly what this file is, is from the WP Pagenavi plugin?

1 answer


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