Keep Settings when Changing URL - Wordpress - Theme: Adventure - Organic Theme


Viewed 165 times


I’m having trouble in the theme settings by changing the URL of a wordpress site using the Organic Theme’s Adventure theme.

I made some scripts to change the functions in the database, which is ok! And works with other themes perfectly.

However, Organic Themes' Adventure theme uses a single table column wp_options to store the settings.

Every time I change the url (with different size) the theme settings are lost.

I noticed that they work with a strange pattern (for my limited knowledge), storing the theme settings in a single column, using the link size to generate the settings.

Follows as arrow in the database, in the column option_value:


Note that the number after the s: represents the size of the string in front: s:62: is the size of the string with the image logo.jpg.

Changing the url to I have to adjust not only the url but the size indicated in s:XX.

Does anyone know any way to do this update? Via plugin or code?

It takes a lot of time to redo the settings of the theme and in case of restoration of the site, this will be disfigured for a few minutes until the configuration of the theme is all redone manually (again).


2 answers


To modify Urls in the database you must always take into account the change without errors of serialized values, as in your example:


Normally, I use the tool Wordpress Serialized PHP Search Replace Tool when the need is simple.

If you are automating the process, then you will need PHP functions serialize() and unserialize().

  • Thanks for the answer... really, any and all plugin or migration system I could test couldn’t meet me contentedly. I developed a very "simple" bash script to resolve the issue and solved the problem. Should I post my script here? Abs


I developed a script in bash to solve the problem.

Below is the full script:


# 1. Dados Gerais

# 1.1 URL

# 1.2 Database

# 2. Configurações iniciais

# 2.1 Diferença de tamanho das URL´s
VAL=$(( ${#URL_OLD} - ${#URL_NEW} ))

# 2.2 Valor atual no banco de dados
RESULT=$(mysql -u $USER -p$PASS $DATABASE -s -N -e 'SELECT '$WP_FIELD' FROM '$WP_TABLE' WHERE option_name="'$THEME'";')

# 2.3 Matrix com todos os índices que possuem ocorrência de 'http://' no banco de dados
if [[ $RESULT == *"http://"* ]]; then
    MUDAR=($(echo $RESULT | grep -b -o http | awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"}{print $1}'))

# 2.4 Loop para mudar o tamanho no banco de dados
for i in "${MUDAR[@]}"
    # 2.4.1 Busca o campo atual

    # 2.4.2 Busca o tamanho atual
    TAM=$( echo $STR | egrep -o "[0-9]*" )

    # 2.4.3 Roda a função se o valor for menor que 3... se for maior tem de ajustar essa parte @TODO
    if [[ ${#TAM} < 3 ]]; then
        nTAM=$(($TAM-$VAL))             # New lenght
        nSTR=${STR/$TAM/$nTAM}          # Fix the Current Number
        RESULT=${RESULT/$STR/$nSTR}     # Update the string

# 3. Grava no banco de dados

# 3.1 Prepara a string com barra antes das aspas duplas para gravar no mysql
RESULT=$( echo $RESULT | sed -e 's/\"/\\"/g' )

# 3.2 Atualiza o banco de dados com as novas configurações
mysql -u $USER -p$PASS $DATABASE -s -N -e 'UPDATE '$WP_TABLE' SET '$WP_FIELD'="'${RESULT}'" WHERE option_name="'$THEME'";'


I hope it will be useful to someone as well. To use scirpt just change the settings in the '1 field'.

Thank you!

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