failed to update Cakephp


Viewed 38 times


I’m trying to edit a record in Cakephp 3 and instead of editing the system, it’s inserting a new record.

public function editar($ID){
    $estatisticasTable = TableRegistry::get('Estatisticas');

    $estatistica = $estatisticasTable->get($ID);

    $this->set('estatistica', $estatistica);



Text of index.ctp that is in Template Statistics index.ctp

echo $this->Html->Link('Editar', ['controller' => 'estatisticas','action' => 'editar', $estatistica['ID']]);

Code to Save:

function salva(){ 

    $estatisticasTable = TableRegistry::get('Estatisticas'); 

    $estatistica = $estatisticasTable->newEntity($this->request->data()); 


        $msg = "Estatística Salva com Sucesso";

        $this->Flash->set($msg, ['element' => 'success']); 
    else { 
        $msg = "Erro ao tentar Salvar"; $this->Flash->set($msg, ['element' => 'error']); 
  • And where is the rescue code. It seems to me that you didn’t put it there.

  • @fabricio_wm edit your question and put the code there, to be better visible

  • 1

    Try to use update

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