I was recently using the PHP Fpdf class to generate my report, but I have the following problem:
How do I position an image that is there on the last page of the report to the first? (I want to not write the image before the rest of the code, but reposition it until it goes to the first page).
PS:I tried to use Sety() with a negative value until the image goes up, but it only goes up inside the current page where it is and not until you get to the first page.
Thanks in advance, I’ve been having this problem for a few days and I can’t solve.
Check out this answer: http://answall.com/questions/50203/como-utilizar-os-m%C3%A9todos-setx-e-sety-da-biblioteca-fpdf/81082#81082
– Ivan Ferrer
I checked, but this method shifts texts up if you use a negative value, so far so good, but it has a limit, if I have a text there at the last page, it will only go up to the limit of the current page that it is and not to the first page of the document.
– Marcos Wendel