Ternary Operator, is_array, unexpected


Viewed 604 times


Look at that. Follows the instruction

$var = 123;

echo "valor de var: " . is_array($var) ? implode("-",$var) : $var;

There goes the following mistake: implode(): Invalid arguments passed.

I hoped that the implode function would not be executed, since $var is not array, why?

Would some specific behaviour of this ternary operator?

  • 1

    By your code $var is not an array.

  • and it’s not even. but $var can be an array, and if it’s not I just hope it’s added, if it is, that an implode is made. Isn’t that the purpose of my expression? @rray

  • I think the problem there is how to use the ternary in echo. If you do so: $var = 123;

$var2 = is_array($var) ? implode("-", $var) : $var;

echo $var2; works....

  • 2

    It seems that the string 'valor de var makes the expression as true, test this: echo "valor de var: ". false ? implode("-", $var) : $var; has another thing php uses left assign in ternario, that sinigica :P some unexpected results in some cases. Isolate yourself with parentheses works, as you expect echo "valor de var: ". (is_array($var) ? implode("-", $var) : $var);

  • I just isolated the ternary expression, it became something like: (is_array($var) ? implode("-",$var) : $var) and worked as expected, I think I understood what you said! very good.. @rray, grateful.

  • 2

    @Alexandrec.Caus, has one more example, I will try to answer.

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2 answers


PHP is interpreting its expression as true, because string is not empty(true) is evaluated as true and concatenated with something (return of is_array()) that makes no difference, see in the second example.

Example 1 - string setting the result to true.

$var = 123;
echo "valor de var: ". is_array($var) ? implode("-", $var) : $var); //executa o implode()
     ^                              ^  
     |                              |
inicio expressão              fim da expressão    

Example 2 - Same thing as the first

var_dump((bool)"valor de var: ". false); //string(1) "1" 
echo "valor de var: ". false ? implode("-", $var) : $var; //executa o implode() ...

Example 3 - String evaluated as false

var_dump((bool)"0". false);// string(0) ""
echo "0". is_array($var) ? implode("-", $var) : $var;
echo "0". false ? implode("-", $var) : $var;

Example 4 - expected result

If you really want to use the suit with echo, add parentheses to it, so that piece will be analyzed first. The idea is not to use echo and leave the suit alone.

echo 'valor de var: '.(is_array($var)? implode('-',$var) : $var);
$var = is_array($var) ? implode('-',$var) : $var;

echo 'valor de var: '. (is_array($var)? implode('-',$var) : $var);
     ^               ^ ^                                        ^
     |Segunda parte  | |   Essa parte é processada primeiro     |

Remember PHP uses left side assignment to evaluate tender instructions.

PHP defines some values that will be interpreted as false, what is not listed below is considered true.

the boolean FALSE itself
the integer 0 (zero)
the float 0.0 (zero)
the empty string, and the string "0"
an array with zero elements
an object with zero member variables (PHP 4 only)
the special type NULL (including unset variables)
SimpleXML objects created from empty tags

Recommended reading:

Manual - Boolean

Manual - tender comparison

Manual - precedence of operators

Soen - Understanding nested PHP Ternary Operator

Soen - PHP Ternary Operator not Working as expected

  • 1

    Tomorrow I finish the reply haha ta afternoon already xD, I failed to explain how to solve


Only delimites the ternary operation in parentheses.


$var = 123;

echo 'valor de var: '.(is_array($var)? implode('-',$var) : $var);

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