Webservice in C# Reading Xml


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Good afternoon, I am building a Webservice in C#, I created a method that reads an XML sent as a request and should return the student’s name... The problem I’m actually facing is when I try to perform the test using Soapui, when sending XML I have an empty answer with error HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request.

I would like help to solve this problem, because I don’t know how else to solve it...

Follow the code of my used classes:

Method of my webservice:

    public String CapturarDados(String Xml) {

        String retorno = "teste";

            LeitorXml p = new LeitorXml();

            retorno = p.LerXml(Xml);
        catch (Exception ex )

            retorno = ex.Message;

        return retorno;

Leitorxml class:

public class LeitorXml
    public String LerXml(String xml)

        XmlDocument xDoc = new XmlDocument();
        XmlNodeList xnList = xDoc.GetElementsByTagName("Alunos");

        string sNome = xnList[0]["nome"].InnerXml;

        String retorno = sNome;

        System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter("c:\\test.txt");


        return retorno;

XML input :

           <email>[email protected]</email>
              <Rua>Av.Lins de Vasconcelos</Rua>
              <Cidade>São Paulo</Cidade>

Using visual studio the answer is OK.

Utilizando o Visual Studio

But when using Soapui this is the problem presented:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Theoretically, the 400 BAD REQUEST error says that something in your HTTP request is incorrect, IE, maybe the format of the envelope you are sending is wrong, give a good check.

  • It can even be a Soapui configuration.

  • The strange thing is that if I use the Helloworld method that already comes works in Soapui, only this method that I created does not return anything and returns this error.

  • But then it’s a completely different requisition, there’s no way to compare.

  • Have you tried using . NET Webservice Studio? It is much lighter and simpler than Soapui, test there with it and tell me what happens. link

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