"Out of memory" error when adding a new plugin


Viewed 49 times


After I updated wordpress to the latest version it is not possible to install plugins, add new articles or edit articles.

Any action you take appears this message.

Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 247726080) (tried to allocate 17615693 bytes) in /backup/public_html/teste/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1094
  • It does not want to know how to find Fatal error. It is not duplicate.

  • @Lollipop regardless of this the other question probably by using the wordpress tag ja complementaria as being rather a duplicate, since and due to a plugin this happening.

  • I disabled all plugins by renaming the folders by Cpainel. but before when I deactivated a plugin the message disappeared this time even disabling the plugin the message does not disappear

  • @Lollipop I recommend you keep talking or answering here: http://answall.com/questions/85638/erro-out-of-memory-allocated-248512512-no-wp-db-php because of this question have more details about the code.

1 answer


Do the following:

Create a file php.ini and insert into the folder wp-admin with these codes:

max_input_vars = 9000
upload_max_filesize = 8M
session.cache_limiter = public
memory_limit = QTDE_MEMORIA_PONHA; 

In the wp-config: define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '64M');


  • I put the file in the folder you said and it didn’t help

  • When this message appeared, I uninstalled a plugin and it disappeared,but it appeared again, now I uninstalled all plugins but continues showing this message.

  • I edited. I forgot to put the memory_limit .

  • In the wp-config file already exists this code: define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '64M');

  • max_input_vars = 9000 upload_max_filesize = 8M Session.cache_limiter = public memory_limit = QTDE_MEMORIA_PONHA; how much memory should be put in QTDE_MEMORIA_PONHA;

  • Put 64M.............

  • http://wpmidia.com.br/tutoriais/4-formas-de-aumentar-limite-de-memoria-php-wordpress/

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