Repeating structure of a function


Viewed 379 times


Hello! I am having trouble finding my error in the program below. I want to generate allele values from a level vector, however I want my function to return an array of generated values. My program is returning an array, but the column values are equal.

For a better understanding: I have 4 levels and want to generate 10 values for each level. My intention is to make the program return this matrix of values.

Code of the program

 v = rep(0,4)

 for(k in 1:length(v)){

 rf = function(n,a,b,v)

  u =runif(n,0,1) 

  x = (-log(u)) / (exp((b/v[k])-a))




2 answers


In that case you wouldn’t need a loop either:

rf2 <- function(n, a, b, v) matrix(-log(runif(n, 0, 1)) / exp(b/rep(v, each = n)-a), 
                                   ncol = length(v))

Comparing to the Rcoster solution:

m1 <- rf(10,-3,10,v=c(10,20,30,40))
m2 <- rf2(10,-3,10,v=c(10,20,30,40))
all.equal(m1, m2)
[1] TRUE


To achieve the expected result, the for() should be within the function - and not outside:

 rf <- function(n, a, b, v) {
  u <- runif(n, 0, 1) 
  out <- matrix(0, n, length(v))
  for (k in 1:length(v)) {
      out[, k] <- (-log(u)) / (exp((b/v[k])-a))


I just draw attention to the line u = runif(n, 0, 1), that depending on your goal it should go into the for().

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