Show GIF while page loads


Viewed 23,562 times


I need a GIF to stay working while the page loads. I’ve tried a few ways but none worked. And when the page loads, the Completed!. More or less as it happens on this website.

  • You have the event onload Or try to display the source code there and see how it was implemented.

  • If you want to do without external dependencies:

  • You may also consider adding a third-party library such as Pace.js


1 answer


In fact what happens on this site is that it puts over the content a DIV that covers everything and as soon as the content is loaded (document.load) it hides the DIV with an effect of fadeOut.

I redid it in Jsfiddle to make it easier (although you will see better the effect on your page directly).


<div id="preloader"><h1>CARREGANDO</h1></div>

<div id="conteudo">
    <img src="">


body {
    background: #000;
#preloader {
    position: absolute;
    left: 0px;
    right: 0px;
    bottom: 0px;
    top: 0px;
    background: #ccc;



    //Esconde preloader
        $('#preloader').fadeOut(1500);//1500 é a duração do efeito (1.5 seg)


In place on "loading" just put your tag <img> with a GIF you want. Although it is already possible to make a simple animation with CSS3 so you do not need to use image.

  • Very good, thank you very much.

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