Randomization/Randomization C#


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Boas. I’m trying to create a Snake game in c# and I have no idea how I can make a new fruit appear in a random place when the snake picks some fruit.

1 answer


using an example that the game area is 100 x 100 units (pixels, cm, mm, qq thing), can be created easily using the object Random

Random random = new Random();
int positionX = random.Next(0, 100),
    positionY = random.Next(0, 100);

the fruit would then be placed in:

addFruit(positionX, positionY);

Now, you only need to take into account if this random point matches any existing object in the game area, if so, find a new position.

example, using the Linqpad

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

As the object Random use the time to generate random numbers, it is normal, if not for very important tasks, to use a delay after a number has been generated. For example:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

using a simple quick stop, it turns out that the numbers cover much more the entire limits.

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