SQL Sum by periods


Viewed 760 times


I’m having a question to assemble a query, following:

In my sales chart I would like to return the sum per product period. Today I am doing this way:

select YEAR(venda.data_venda) as Ano,
venda.codprod_venda as CodigoProduto,
MONTH(venda.data_venda) as Mes,
SUM(venda.qntdporprod_venda) as QtdVendida

FROM venda, produtos WHERE venda.codprod_venda = produtos.codigo_prod and produtos.codigo_prod=1
GROUP BY YEAR(data_venda), cod_prod_venda, MONTH(data_venda)
ORDER BY YEAR(data_venda), cod_prod_venda, MONTH(data_venda)

This select returns the sum of a given product per month and not per period. But in my case, I need to make the sum in the 30-day period, for example 05.09.2015 and the search was made from 04.09.2015 until 03.10.2015 and then 04.10.2015 until 03.11.2015 and so on. I do not know if it is possible to carry out this select, I would like an opinion.

Thank you!

  • 2

    Prefer to put the code as text here, it is easier for people to help. If you really want to make it easier and increase your chances of getting an answer, create an http://www.sqlfiddle.com/ with the structure and data for people to test.

1 answer


Try including this command in your Where clause:

V.data >= '01/09/2015' and V.data <= DATEADD(DAY,30, '01/09/2015')

Your query would look like this, I made an improvement using INNER JOIN as well:

select YEAR(V.data_venda) as Ano,
V.codprod_venda as CodigoProduto,
MONTH(V.data_venda) as Mes,
SUM(V.qntdporprod_venda) as QtdVendida

FROM venda V join produtos P 
on V.codprod_venda = P.codigo_prod
WHERE  P.codigo_prod = 1 and

       V.data >= '01/09/2015' and V.data <= DATEADD(DAY,30, '01/09/2015')

GROUP BY YEAR(V.data_venda), cod_prod_venda, MONTH(V.data_venda)
ORDER BY YEAR(V.data_venda), cod_prod_venda, MONTH(V.data_venda) 

I hope this solves, if you still need help, create a sqlfiddle.com as an example to help better.

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