App Cordova does not work as expected


Viewed 231 times


I made a simple application using Apache Cordova in the Visual Studio 2015, and added the Angulajs.

When I test on Riple emulator works as expected:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

So I’m going to APK to test on the physical smartphone, for this I use the command:

cordova build android --debug

Inside the project directory, I install the apk in the apparatus:

Sansumg Galaxy Ace - Android 3.2.6

I also changed this setting <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="6" android:targetSdkVersion="10" />, but it doesn’t work as expected:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I don’t know what’s going on, I’m grateful for any help.

  • apparently it has to do with the angular file not being located. You can check the location of it in the index.html file

  • I tested on a device with Android platform 5.1.1 and worked, I think it may be something with the version. Angular is correctly referenced because it works on some devices. @Rafaelmenabarreto Thanks

1 answer


Reading on this link: Apache Cordova Documentation Cordova’s documentation found that it only works from API 14. (: But thanks for your help.

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