Generating thumbnails through Filereader


Viewed 251 times


I want to generate thumbnails of images that the user selects. My problem is that always one of the images generates 3 thumbnails

Demo here:

  • 2

    In my case it generated four, I get a bonus for it?

2 answers


You must not use for .. in to iterate over arrays (or array-Likes). It is used to iterate over the properties of an object. As its FileList has three properties ("0", "length" and "item") the code will run three times.

Replace with a for common:

for (var key = 0 ; key < files.length ; key++)

Updated example.

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    Interestingly, solving the problem is even easier by using ES6:

  • 1

    I thought the 14,15 and 16 lines of the example could take care of that, but I realized now that even when I do 'files.item("anything")' an image is returned.

  • @Gustavorodrigues True. Do you know how well supported ES6 is in current browsers? I couldn’t find any information in

  • I’m not talking about current support, but that ES6 solves the problem of for in with arrays so easily. Support? I think only Firefox.

  • 1

    @Lucasmarçaldossantos strange... must be a bug. Documentation of FileList.item clearly asks for a numerical index. In fact, I will update my answer because it only works because of this bug :P

  • @Gustavorodrigues Your example worked perfectly on Chrome.

  • You must have some flag on your Chrome, for me gives syntax error even in Canary.

  • @bfavaretto ops, my fault. In fact it gives syntax error with me too (I must have looked at the code of one fiddle, but executed the other)

  • @bfavaretto I follow the Chrome updates blog even using Firefox, waiting for the day they will support ES6, hyphenation and other things. Even Nodejs can’t stand it, I have to keep using the Altjs for simple things like .map((el)=>el[1]).

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The problem is the use of for (... in ...), which also reads the file array properties, such as length. That is, you are adding an image when the length property is iterated!

EDIT A help to generate Thumb:

Just to supplement the answer, you can resize the element img in order to maintain the proportions of the original image by setting the following style for it:

max-width: 20px; /* qualquer largura máxima desejada */
width: auto;
height: auto;

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