I am making a system that the user create an account and select the movies he has already watched.
I have a table in Mysql movies to register all the movies on the site and a generous table that is only the genres of the movies (action, adventure...) and wanted to know how to link these tables so that I register a new genre and appear on the page of the register of movies in the select of the genre, how do you do that?
I also wanted to know how I’m going to make the registered movies and their information appear on the person’s profile so that they can mark that they watched?
It’s very broad. Try asking more specific questions or using the search to find questions that may already exist. Not to mention that this is a useless comment, I give a hint, look for CRUD. Good luck.
– Daniel Omine
There are several video tutorials on the Internet about basic registration systems, posting any of them here would make the answer look monstrous and would not have the same effect as watching a video. Search for the terms: PHP Mysql CRUD
– Alexandre Borela