Language that Autodesk software uses


Viewed 205 times


I’m wondering in what language the Softwares da Autodesk are written and the name of the GUI used. If you can help me with this information.

  • 1

    Good evening Wesley, I believe the source code of the software is proprietary and therefore only the developers could report this. Guis are probably proprietary as well and therefore not something opensource that you can use "the will". There is QT that uses QSS to style windows and elements, uses C++ and can be compiled on Windows, Linux and Mac. With it you can achieve the desired effect of the Guis. See

2 answers


Good night Wesley,

Unfortunately that’s information you won’t get accurately, but don’t worry because it wouldn’t make much difference knowing that.

Major software like Autocad is written in a mix of languages such as C, C++ and Assembly, and depending on the platform may involve different languages.

A hug.

  • 5

    Prove what you’re talking about.

  • Taste what, buddy? I don’t get it... Abs

  • What are you talking about. Don’t vast you say it is. Prove it to be true. I am questioning this information. Give a reference that shows this to be true.

  • Well, what proves my answer is precisely the absence of a source. You won’t find a page saying "let’s not tell what language we use". .

  • Nor has it been told, so you’re just kicking it. You have to prove what you say. At least people now know that this "answer" has no relevance at all, it’s just a comment of what you stifle that is.


Autodesk Maya was made using QT with C++, QT is very advanced and easy to learn.

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