How to definitely remove a project in Android Studio?


Viewed 7,090 times


I would like to definitely remove a project from Android Studio, I notice that on the homepage below, if you have a selected project and press Delete, the project is removed from the list, but I still find it in my projects folder. I wonder if there is a more practical way, by Android Studio itself, to definitely remove the project. Thank you!

Imagem inicial do Android Studio

2 answers


Yes, there is a way by Android Studio.

With your project open, right-click your project in the project bar and select "Delete".

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

When you open Android Studio again, simply remove the project from the list of recent projects.

  • 1

    What do you call Project Bar is actually the Navigation Bar.

  • Yes, I know that. But thank you.


Go to the folder where Android Studio projects are saved, example:


Inside that folder, delete the project you want and you’re done.

So the next time you log into Android Studio, the removed project will no longer appear in the list.

  • 2

    This I already know.... My question is if it would have a different way, by Android Studio itself. Even so, thanks for the contribution

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