I was observing the example files of the moon (more specifically the iup), and the dial.wlua example caught my attention a lot... I thought it would be interesting a game using this base, for time travel, for example, and tried to import the iuplua package to main.lua (putting at the beginning of the code iuplua: require("iuplua")
and require("iupluacontrols")
). Upshot:
In short: How can I import this and other packages from the moon to löve2D?
Interestingly, it has no "iuplua.dll" file, so I decided to copy all the files with the iup prefix, and even then error... I realized that there was "iuplua51.dll", and I tried to request it, and the result is that it simply starts and closes on time, as if it opened, gave an error and closed, but I did not print any error! I tried to rename "iuplua51.dll" to "iuplua.dll", and the same strange fault happens!
– Gammeth