Error updating Indexeddb version


Viewed 83 times


I’m having trouble updating the version of Indexeddb, it presents the following errors.

Uncaught Constrainterror: Failed to execute 'createObjectStore' on 'Idbdatabase': An Object store with the specified name exists already. index.js:11 Errorundefined index.js:162 Uncaught Invalidstateerror: Failed to execute 'transaction' on 'Idbdatabase': The database Connection is closing.

My code:

var request ="DB_TESTE", 3);
var db = null;

request.onupgradeneeded = function(){
    db = request.result;
    //                  TABELA PESSOA                          //

    var pessoa = db.createObjectStore("tbl_PESSOAS", {keyPath: "COD_IDENT_PESSO"});

    pessoa.createIndex("COD_IDENT_PESSO", "COD_IDENT_PESSO", {unique: true});
    pessoa.createIndex("TXT_NOMEX_PESSO", "TXT_NOMEX_PESSO", {unique: false});
    pessoa.createIndex("TXT_APELI_PESSO", "TXT_APELI_PESSO", {unique: false});
    pessoa.createIndex("TXT_FONEX_PESSO", "TXT_FONEX_PESSO", {unique: false});
    pessoa.createIndex("DAT_NASCI_PESSO", "DAT_NASCI_PESSO", {unique: false});
    pessoa.createIndex("TXT_NASCI_PESSO", "TXT_NASCI_PESSO", {unique: false});
    pessoa.createIndex("TXT_NATUR_PESSO", "TXT_NATUR_PESSO", {unique: false});
    pessoa.createIndex("FLG_SEXOX_PESSO", "FLG_SEXOX_PESSO", {unique: false});
    pessoa.createIndex("FLG_ESTAD_CIVIL", "FLG_ESTAD_CIVIL", {unique: false});
    pessoa.createIndex("FLG_IDENT_PESSO", "FLG_IDENT_PESSO", {unique: false});
    pessoa.createIndex("TXT_EMAIL_PESSO", "TXT_EMAIL_PESSO", {unique: false});
    pessoa.createIndex("TXT_SENHA_USUAR", "TXT_SENHA_USUAR", {unique: false});
    pessoa.createIndex("BLO_FOTOX_PESSO", "BLO_FOTOX_PESSO", {unique: false});
    pessoa.createIndex("TXT_ENDER_CEPXX", "TXT_ENDER_CEPXX", {unique: false});
    pessoa.createIndex("TXT_ENDER_BAIRR", "TXT_ENDER_BAIRR", {unique: false});
    pessoa.createIndex("TXT_ENDER_LOGRA", "TXT_ENDER_LOGRA", {unique: false});
    pessoa.createIndex("TXT_ENDER_NUMER", "TXT_ENDER_NUMER", {unique: false});
    pessoa.createIndex("TXT_ENDER_COMPL", "TXT_ENDER_COMPL", {unique: false});
    pessoa.createIndex("COD_IDULT_ATUAL", "COD_IDULT_ATUAL", {unique: false});
    pessoa.createIndex("DAT_ULTIM_ATUAL", "DAT_ULTIM_ATUAL", {unique: false});


request.onsuccess = function(){
    //database connection established 
    db = request.result;
    console.log("Conectado corretamente");

request.onerror = function(event){
    console.log("Error" +;
  • The Objects are persistent, they will not be erased without you sending, so you cannot try to create them again with the createObjectStore

  • How do I erase them ?

  • Using the method deleteObjectStore (

  • Gave this error Uncaught Typeerror: Undefined is not a Function

  • What are you calling?

  • And where are you declaring "indexedDB"?

  • Just above, var request ="DB_MINHACELULA", 4); var db = null;

  • Try to use something like db.deleteObjectStore(...)

  • Have some way to delete entire database, not just table and create everything again, with version 1 ?

  • Type a reset in memory, to start, because at the time saved it starts saving the number where it stopped, ie not deleted the table and did not create another.

  • 1
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