Logging, Registration, Permissions C#


Viewed 103 times


Guys I would like to know in a logical and robust way and very clear,

how the organization behaves in a software that will possess:

-Logging (any and all actions performed on the system must be recorded) ex: "User X entered a new product into the system, on Date Y", "User Z changed the product on date Y".

-Very dynamic access control, each registered user can belong to a "group" that has specific system permissions. The system administrator can create permissions groups as well as give specific permissions for each type of user as well.

Ex: add request, remove request.

my doubt is not how to do or implement all this.

my question is, if I’m using n-layer Arquitecture, something like DDD or something like that, how would they be organized clearly, the abstractions, interfaces, and concrete classes, in which layers, all cute and readable following ubiquitous language.

  • I also look forward to a good solution, because I see many IF-oriented systems because of that sort of thing.

  • exactly, I wanted to know exactly how the "great" implement these things, as for example Restfulsoa and so on...

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