Message from "required" Primefaces


Viewed 1,460 times


I have the following scenario :

<h:form id="formValor">

   <p:growl id="growlMessage" showDetail="true" autoUpdate="true"  showSummary="false" />
   <p:tabView id="tabViewVinculo" dynamic="true" widgetVar="tabViewVinculo"...>
       <p:tab id="tab1">
              <p:input id="inputValue" value="{beam.valor}" required="true" />
        <p:tab id="tab1=2">
              <p:input id="inputValue2" value="{beam.valor2}"/>

   <p:commandButton id="buttonConfirmar" value="Submit" process="@form" validateClient="true" update="growlMessage" .../>

Having this scenario I would like to customize the message displayed in Growl that comes as follows:

"formValue:inputValue: Validation error: the value is required."

NOTE: I would not like to have changed the component "p:Growl" to "p:message"

**Recital tab 2 active****

2 answers


Just use the requireMessage of the component:

<p:inputText id="inputValue" requiredMessage="SUA MENSAGEM" value="{beam.valor}" required="true" />
  • It doesn’t work @Rafael, This "requiredeMessage" is only working in fields that have 'Validator="#{bean.validarIdade}" '

  • This input you posted in your code is correct?

  • in fact my scenario and a little more complex... I edited the question.

  • If it is not working it is for two reasons, it may be that the input is not being processed or its value is not empty.

  • Hello @Rafael, thanks for the attention follow here my solution.


In this case, I would put the growl as globalOnly="true" and add messages directly from Bean:

FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    context.addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(
         "Informe um valor para input1."));
  • Thanks, I did this, but today I changed to look better let’s say more elegant since it is a client-side validation. The following link is: @info.sistemas

  • In this case, the change is not only for the pointed scenario, but for the whole system.

  • Yes, it is true but I believe I have a better presentation because I do not use Growl for client-side validations, but in this case I have tabview is will be submitted every form presenting the message that there are null mandatory fields was necessary to use Growl.

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