How to copy the path of a selected file in Window Explorer?


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How to copy the full path containing the file name to the Clipboard using the "shortcut" CTRL-C? For example: Inside windows explorer select a file ( using the CTRL-C and then the CTRL-V in a text editor. I try the final result: c:\temp\

I’m initially thinking of using the widget Function Windows Explorer subprocess.Popen

import subprocess
subprocess.Popen(r'explorer /select,"c:\temp\"')

Once captured the file path I can copy it on Clipboard using a similar subroutine below:

from Tkinter import Tk
mypath = "c:/temp/"
r = Tk()

1 answer


You can use the module win32clipboard of Pywin32 (Most likely you already have it installed). The Getclipboarddata() function (which is usually used for text) accepts a format specification parameter of what is on the Clipboard, and in this case, you can pass the 15 value constant (CF_HDROP) used to move / copy files by CTR + C and CTR + V by Windows. I designed a brief get_path_of_file_on_clipboard function to illustrate:

from win32clipboard import OpenClipboard, GetClipboardData, CloseClipboard

def get_path_of_file_on_clipboard():
    CF_HDROP = 15
    data = "No file was selected."
        data = GetClipboardData(CF_HDROP)
    except TypeError:
        print("ERROR: You must copy a FILE to the clipboard.")
    return data


This function returns a string with the absolute path to the file that was passed to the Clipboard (With CTR + C). Once you have obtained this path, just adapt to your application with Tkinter (Just capture the CTR + V event and insert that string where you want).

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