Visual Studio Test Explorer does not find the tests


Viewed 1,762 times


I’m having a difficulty in Visual Studio 2013, Test Explorer is not loading the tests at any time, either after Build, or through Run Tests / CTRL+R, T. Does anyone have any clue what it might be?

I have the following packages installed through Nuget:, Runners, Fluent Assertions, and the test below as an example:

using Xunit;
namespace Registro
    public class CadastroValidoRecebido
        public void Usuario_Adicionado_Ao_Sistema()


I followed hits of several links, what seemed promising were the changes of processor architecture informed in the link below, but the Test Explorer continues without locating the tests.

2 answers


As I recall, Visual Studio does not recognize third-party testing (i.e., not Mstest) automatically, requiring the installation of additional packages at the same time.

Take a look at this for the xunit (I’m not sure if this is it, but test there please): Runner for Visual Studio 2012 and 2013

You can also try Resharper... is paid, but I am absolutely fan of the tool. From what I read about it, supports xunit via plugins.

  • 1

    Hello, Miguel. Thanks for the reply, I mistakenly thought that the Runners ( would be the plug-in that would work in Visual Studio 2013, after installing that informed by you the tests appeared.

  • In my case the tests were written with Nunit 2.0, and so I had to add the corresponding extension of "Runner" to Visual Studio.


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