Dynamic dropdown list and comic return image does not work


Viewed 138 times


Dropdown dynamic list and database image return does not work after the application is published on IIS. When Inspecting through the browser I had the following error:

HTTP 404.0 error - Not Found (with following request: http://localhost:80/funcio/Concelho/List/1)

for image I had the following through Inspection:

HTTP 404.0 error - Not Found (with following request: http://localhost:80/funcio/Retrieveimage/3

View create :

 $(function () {

        $("#Ilha").change(function () {
            $.getJSON("/funcionario/Concelho/List/" + $("#Ilha > option:selected").attr("value"), function (data) {
                var items = "<option>--Selecione--</option>";
                $.each(data, function (i, concelho) {
                    items += '<option value="' + concelho.Value + '">' + concelho.Text + '</option>';

in my routeconfig created Url:

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)

         url: "Soldado/Concelho/List/{id}",
         defaults: new { controller = "Soldado", action = "SelectConcelho", id = "" }

and in the controller is the method:

    public ActionResult SelectConcelho(String id)
        SITMSEntities conetContext = new SITMSEntities();
        int ids;
        List<SelectListItem> ConcelhoNome = new List<SelectListItem>();
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
            ids = Convert.ToInt32(id);
            List<Concelho> Concelhos = conetContext.Concelho.Where(s => s.Numero_ilha == ids).ToList();
            Concelhos.ForEach(s =>
                ConcelhoNome.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = s.Nome, Value = s.Numero.ToString() });


        return Json(ConcelhoNome, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);


public ActionResult RetrieveImage(int id) { 
    byte[] cover = GetImageFromDataBase(id); 
    if (cover != null) { 
        return File(cover, "image/jpg"); 
    } else { 
        return null; 

and in the view have:

<img src="/funcionario/RetrieveImage/ @Html.DisplayFor(model => model.Numero)" alt="" height=80 width=80 />
  • You can enter the code of RetrieveImage in your question?

  • in the controller:[Authorize] public Actionresult Retrieveimage(int id) { byte[] cover = Getimagefromdatabase(id); if (cover != null) { Return File(cover, "image/jpg"); } Else { Return null; } } and in the view I have:<img src="/funcio/Retrieveimage/ @Html.Displayfor(model => model.Numero)" alt="" height=80 width=80 />

  • Thanks for the help in organizing the Gypsy post. This is my first Post here.

  • Where is the route Default in the RouteConfig.cs?

  • Maproute( name: "Default", url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}", defaults: new { controller = "Account", action = "Login", id = Urlparameter.Optional } );

  • in the above url in routeconfig ó corecto e url: "funcio/Concelho/List/{id}", and the controller e funcionaio não soldado

  • You can edit your question by clicking "edit", just below the body of the question. Try. Any doubt, you can call me that I correct for you.

  • Got it Thank you

  • Someone had that problem once.

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3 answers


If after posting is giving Page not found. It may be the request path you are using. Try to mount the url like this:

        var strUrl = '@Url.Action("ConsultarRegiosPorPrestador", "TabelaFrete")';

        url: strUrl,


View create :

$(function () {

        $("#Ilha").change(function () {
            $.getJSON("/funcionario/Concelho/List/" + $("#Ilha > option:selected").attr("value"), function (data) {
                var items = "<option>--Selecione--</option>";
                $.each(data, function (i, concelho) {
                    items += '<option value="' + concelho.Value + '">' + concelho.Text + '</option>';

in my routeconfig created Url:

    public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)

         url: "funcionario/Concelho/List/{id}",
         defaults: new { controller = "Soldado", action = "SelectConcelho", id = "" }

and in the controller is the method

        public ActionResult SelectConcelho(String id)
            SITMSEntities conetContext = new SITMSEntities();
            int ids;
            List<SelectListItem> ConcelhoNome = new List<SelectListItem>();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                ids = Convert.ToInt32(id);
                List<Concelho> Concelhos = conetContext.Concelho.Where(s => s.Numero_ilha == ids).ToList();
                Concelhos.ForEach(s =>
                    ConcelhoNome.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = s.Nome, Value = s.Numero.ToString() });


            return Json(ConcelhoNome, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

  • Use "@Url.Action" to format your URL

  • Sorry ai Url for view or routeconfig

  • worked like this: var strUrl = '@Url.Action("Getconcelho", "Funcionario")'; $("#Ilha"). change(Function () { $.getJSON(strUrl +'/'+ ......


worked like this:

var strUrl = '@Url.Action("GetConcelho", "Funcionario")';  

 $("#Ilha").change(function () {
        $.getJSON(strUrl +'/'+ ......

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