Update from change in select


Viewed 855 times


I have a list of multiple selects and I need you to update the select option in the database. I can do this through ajax + php. My doubt is actually how to trigger the event from the option change. Could someone give me a light? They are multiple selects and they should trigger the event only from the selected select.

.linha {
  display: block;
  width: 900px;
.selects {
  float: left;
  display: block;
<div class="linha">
  <div class="selects">
      <option value="N">Não</option>
      <option value="OK">OK</option>
      <option value="">-</option>
  <div class="selects">
      <option value="N">Não</option>
      <option value="OK">OK</option>
      <option value="">-</option>
  <div class="selects">
      <option value="N">Não</option>
      <option value="OK">OK</option>
      <option value="">-</option>
  <div class="selects">
      <option value="N">Não</option>
      <option value="OK">OK</option>
      <option value="">-</option>
  <div class="selects">
      <option value="N">Não</option>
      <option value="OK">OK</option>
      <option value="">-</option>
  <div class="selects">
      <option value="N">Não</option>
      <option value="OK">OK</option>
      <option value="">-</option>
<div class="linha">
  <div class="selects">
      <option value="N">Não</option>
      <option value="OK">OK</option>
      <option value="">-</option>
  <div class="selects">
      <option value="N">Não</option>
      <option value="OK">OK</option>
      <option value="">-</option>
  <div class="selects">
      <option value="N">Não</option>
      <option value="OK">OK</option>
      <option value="">-</option>
  <div class="selects">
      <option value="N">Não</option>
      <option value="OK">OK</option>
      <option value="">-</option>
  <div class="selects">
      <option value="N">Não</option>
      <option value="OK">OK</option>
      <option value="">-</option>
  <div class="selects">
      <option value="N">Não</option>
      <option value="OK">OK</option>
      <option value="">-</option>

2 answers


It can be used in many ways, I suggest 2:

First place the function call directly in the element event like this:

   <select onchange="funcaoJavascript()">
      <option value="N">Não</option>
      <option value="OK">OK</option>
      <option value="">-</option>

Or using jquery you can create an "Event Listener" that keeps watching and waiting for the event to occur so in this case you need to specify each select with a class or an ID if you want different behavior for each select: Say:

<select id="teste">

//aqui dentro pode-se referenciar o select que disparou o evento assim $(this)

In this example above it will shoot based on the test id, but you can make one that fires with any select like this:



An example in the fiddle to close:


Note: the function of the onchange could not function in fiddle Oo rs n sei pq has some witchcraft, but the syntax ta there. abç

  • 2

    To finish: an example in the fiddle with his code ;)

  • If you make a complete answer filet pros guy marks the other one as right. = [ discourages

  • 2

    No discouragement. I’m not saying that this is the case, but not always the one that will help people the most. Staff usually pay more attention to the number of votes than to the response marked as correct.


Here’s an example to simplify what you want to do, so you’ll center the update on just one request ajax, used the attribute data, passing the data-tipo for each select. How the values are similar in the request ajax you will pass the type field and the value field, take a look at:

    	alert('Tipo:'+$(this).attr('data-tipo')+' Valor:'+$(this).val());
		//Faz uma requisição ajax passando tipo e valor
.linha {
  display: block;
  width: 900px;
.selects {
  float: left;
  display: block;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="linha">
  <div class="selects">
    <select data-tipo="JAN">
      <option value="N">Não</option>
      <option value="OK">OK</option>
      <option value="">-</option>
  <div class="selects">
    <select data-tipo="FEV">
      <option value="N">Não</option>
      <option value="OK">OK</option>
      <option value="">-</option>
  <div class="selects">
    <select data-tipo="MAR">
      <option value="N">Não</option>
      <option value="OK">OK</option>
      <option value="">-</option>
  <div class="selects">
    <label >ABR</label>
    <select data-tipo="ABR">
      <option value="N">Não</option>
      <option value="OK">OK</option>
      <option value="">-</option>
  <div class="selects">
    <select data-tipo="MAI">
      <option value="N">Não</option>
      <option value="OK">OK</option>
      <option value="">-</option>
  <div class="selects">
    <select data-tipo="JUN">
      <option value="N">Não</option>
      <option value="OK">OK</option>
      <option value="">-</option>

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