Collect data from wordpress database


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It has how to make connection in the Wordpress database, and to take the data of some tables of it and to transfer in a Site ?

  • 1

    Of course there is, it’s a common database, if you have access, of course. Your question is very superficial, try to detail more.

  • If I explained details, I could formulate an answer. Try not to ask questions so little explained, it is easier to answer and the question has much less chance to be closed

1 answer


There... there is. Just know the schema of the WP database. As the friend said there in the comment, is a common Mysql database, so just connect and make the query you need.

In this link you find the DER of WP. Give a studied in it and see what data you will need to recover from there :)

  • I will only make the connection on my site, and make a select of the latest news registered there in WP. Thank you very much!!!!! I will test the tips here, and soon I’ll be back for feedback! Thank you!

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