Is there any way to display the result of a query(mysqli) in the form of HTML?


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I have already searched intensively for a solution to show the result of a mysqli query inside an html one, but I can’t find anything. I saw that it is possible to present the result through one with the help of fetch_assoc() in php, but what I want doesn’t need to be shown inside a table from my perspective. In aixo is the code of what I want to show, already tested in full php and shows exactly what I want, the only obstacle at this time is to be able to incorporate this same result in an HTML page. I hope you can help me, regards.


            $conn = mysqli_connect($server, $user, $pw, $bdname) or die ('Connection Error');

            $sqlquery = "select ID_Vote from Votes where ID_Player = '1'"; 

            if($result = mysqli_query($conn, $sqlquery))

                    $rowcount = mysqli_num_rows($result);

                   echo $rowcount;   //this is the value i want to publish on a HTML <label>


4 answers


Complete HTML table

If you want to display all data from a table, regardless of the query, has this more elaborate solution, which shows the results in table format, with the field names including:

   $conn = mysqli_connect($server, $user, $pw, $bdname) or die ( 'Connection Error' );
   $sqlquery = "SELECT * FROM votes";

   $result = mysqli_query($conn, $sqlquery) or die ( mysqli_error( $conn ) );

   $header = true;
   echo '<table>';
   while( $res = mysqli_fetch_assoc( $result ) ) {
      if( $header ) {
         foreach( $res as $campo => $valor ) {
            echo'<th>'.htmlentities( $campo ).'</th>';
         $header = false;
      echo '<tr>';
      foreach( $res as $campo => $valor ) {
         echo'<td>'.htmlentities( $valor ).'</td>';
      echo '</tr>';
   echo '</table>';

This solution adapts to the result of query independent of the number of columns, and already shows the names of the fields correctly in the table title.


SELECT * FROM cadastro


 id nome documento  
1 Roberto 129.132.111-33
2 Maria 212.332.718-83
3 César 417.229.873-12

Quick debug

If you’re just gonna make one debug fast, with little data that should suffice:

    $conn = mysqli_connect($server, $user, $pw, $bdname) or die ('Connection Error');
    $sqlquery = 'SELECT ID_Vote from Votes where ID_Player = 1'; 

    if( $result = mysqli_query($conn, $sqlquery) ) {
       echo '<pre>';
       print_r( mysqli_fetch_all( $result, MYSQLI_ASSOC ) );
       echo '</pre>';


Suppose you are making this query to be in the same file as you want to show the result in the label, let’s just call it for example by showing.php



            $conn = mysqli_connect($server, $user, $pw, $bdname) or die ('Connection Error');

            $sqlquery = "select ID_Vote from Votes where ID_Player = '1'"; 

            if($result = mysqli_query($conn, $sqlquery))

                    $rowcount = mysqli_num_rows($result);

                   <label><?php echo $rowcount;?></label>



The explanation is simple, you open and close the php "tag" whenever you want to use html.


I suppose everything is working properly in your Query, then to display the result of the variable $rowcount, on an html page, you can use this form within any file .php between appointments HTML:

  • Yes the query itself is correct, the problem is to even incorporate the result of the query into the html page... I tested this line of code as you wrote and starting with '<? php' without forgetting to close '}' but still not showing.


Another possibility is to embed html in the following form.

Echo" <label>.$rowcount.</label>";
  • Rui, I tested it the way you said it, and what appeared to me on the html page was this: . $rowcount." ; } ? > Then I tested this way: Echo "<label>". $rowcount." </label>"; and this appeared to me: ". $rowcount.""; } ?>

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