Build Output: Consider app.config remapping of Assembly


Viewed 525 times


I am receiving the message below regarding several Assemblies, the project compiles and runs normally, however, wanted to know how to solve and whether it can cause future problems.

Consider app.config remapping of Assembly "System.Net.Primitives, Culture=neutral, Publickeytoken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" from Version "" [] to Version "" [C: Program Files (x86) Reference Assemblies Microsoft Framework Monoandroid v1.0 Facades System.Net.Primitives.dll] to Solve Conflict and get Rid of Warning.

  • I don’t know but this may help you: aspx

  • I’ll read it carefully to see if it solves this problem, thank you.

  • It’s an old question but I must ask, have you managed to remove these warnings?

  • They only disappeared after the component was updated. I couldn’t figure out the cause or how else to solve it.

1 answer


This section is in the web.config:

    <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
        <assemblyIdentity name="System.Net.Primitives" culture="neutral" publicKeyToken="b03f5f7f11d50a3a" />
        <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />

Basically, you indicate a range of versions in oldVersion and the Assembly most recent in newVersion. It’s not much of a secret.

The compiler gives this warning when the version of Assembly was found, but this may not always happen. The above setting solves this problem.

  • Thank you, in my case app.config, had situations I had to add because the configuration didn’t even exist.

  • The messages are back, I’m not going to hit my head anymore, I’m going to live with them. :).

  • @rubStackOverflow This system is what, exactly?

  • An application Xamarin Forms @gypsy-Morrison-Mendez

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