How do JOIN using find()?


Viewed 226 times


I am trying to Join tables using cakephp find(). I have 3 tables, they are: users, pessoas e matriculas. On the table users i have a foreign key for table pessoas and in the table matriculas I have a foreign key for pessoas.

I want to do a JOIN between these tables, I’m trying but when I do JOIN for the table matriculas the return comes empty. I don’t know what can be if I’m doing wrong. How to do this ?

I’m trying like this.

public function doLogin(){
            $this->autoRender = false;
            $json = $this->request->input("json_decode", true);
            $email = $json["User"]["email"];
            $senha = $json["User"]["senha"];

            $sql["conditions"] = array(
            $sql["joins"] = array(

            $users = $this->User->find('all', $sql);

                $array = array("status"=>"1", "msg" => "Login efetuado", "result"=>$users);
                $array = array("status"=>"0", "msg" => "Usuário ou senha inválido", "result"=>$users);

            return json_encode($array);

Empty result

{"status":"0","msg":"Usu\u00e1rio ou senha inv\u00e1lido","result":[]}

my ERM project

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

1 answer


The way you model this Join, is from the version before 2.x. x!

Correct would be this way:


$conditions = array(

    'conditions' =>  array(

        '' => $email,
        'User.senha' => $senha,
        'User.status' => 1


    'joins' => array(

            'table' => 'matriculas',
            'alias' => 'm',
            'type' => 'INNER',
            'conditions' => array(
                '' => 'm.pessoas_id'



$users = $this->User->find('all', $conditions);

  • opa, thanks for the attention @Joker ... I am using Cakephp 2.7 . But I decided to do using query. I write SQL and it seems q have more control. Thank you.

  • It will be a headache when you need more than one table, and just replicate the array inside the joins, and change the config to another table, not to mention that in this way your query will have a better semantics and already properly handled, when you need to debug the query. Hugs!

  • 1

    I see no difference from what you suggest to what he was already using.

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