Does anyone know any program/server capable of running classic Asp (Vbscript, Jscript)
and other than IIS ?
Does anyone know any program/server capable of running classic Asp (Vbscript, Jscript)
and other than IIS ?
I was able to solve it using IIS Express ( @Onosendai tip). I had to make some adjustments because my machine is x64.
C: Program Files (x86) IIS Express>iisexpress /path:C: myapp /port:1234
I accessed the url http://localhost:1234/
All working perfectly.
To make it easier to run the site, create a file
@echo off
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\IIS Express>"
iisexpress /path:C:\myApp\ /port:1234
Now, every time I need the site I give 2 click’s in the file above and ready,
the site is already online
Good to know it worked! Filipe’s tip is good too, if you have installation restrictions.
You can use the Utildev Cassini.
I used it for a long time here and I had no problems.
Or else the iis express embedded in a pen drive, but then you’ll have to set up whenever you use, laborious, but if it’s the best alternative, it’s worth mentioning.
But it only runs the classic Asp, and can be used on a linux.
ASP running on Linux... I got chills! Hahaha
From what I understand it only accepts scripts in Perl... I find it unlikely that someone develop something in ASP without using Vbscript
Just out of curiosity, I still maintain several (several same) ASP applications using Jscript. All running on an IIS on Windows Server 2003. :)
Well, in this case you don’t use the server’s resources, only the client’s. To use server resources, it is necessary to use a language that the server understands, Vbscript or Perl [by the context of the question].
Browser other questions tagged windows server-side iis asp 64-bits
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'Cause it can’t be the IIS?
– Tiago César Oliveira
the machine I own has no access/permission to the IIS.
– Bruno Rozendo
You can try IIS Express. It’s like a portable version of IIS.
– OnoSendai