How to convert TIMESTAMP/DATETIME to Gregoriancalendar?


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How do I convert a TIMESTAMP or DATETIME mysql in a GregorianCalendar Java? Or a better idea?

In class, the field dataCadastro is the type GregorianCalendar. I’m recording in the bank on the guy TIMESTAMPdd-MM-yyyy 00:00:00.

Now I want to do the opposite, take from the bank and generate the GregorianCalendar to compose the object.

The idea is to keep the complete data of the user’s registration date!

How to do?

1 answer


Timestamp ts = seuTimeStamp;
GregorianCalendar c = new GregorianCalendar();

or, if it is Date

Date d = seuDate;
GregorianCalendar c = new GregorianCalendar();
  • Gregoriancalendar. No Calendar! ?

  • 1

    in the same way... only instead of using getInstance.. you make a new Gregoriancalendar( )

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