Cakephp3 HABTM error inserting data into table


Viewed 94 times


I am with the error Cannot Insert Row in "addresses_companies" table, it has no Primary key in my application, after entering a company and filling in the address data and selecting a company appears the error quoted above.

Follows code:


public function add()
    $address = $this->Addresses->newEntity();

    if ($this->request->is('post')) {
        $address = $this->Addresses->patchEntity($address, $this->request->data, ['associated' => ['Companies']]);
        if ($this->Addresses->save($address)) {
            $this->Flash->success(__('The address has been saved.'));
            return $this->redirect(['action' => 'index']);
        } else {
            $this->Flash->error(__('The address could not be saved. Please, try again.'));
    $companies = $this->Addresses->Companies->find('list', ['limit' => 200]);
    $this->set(compact('address', 'companies'));
    $this->set('_serialize', ['address']);


use Cake\ORM\Entity;

 * Address Entity.
class Address extends Entity

 * Fields that can be mass assigned using newEntity() or patchEntity().
 * @var array
   protected $_accessible = [
    'CEP' => true,
    'ENDERECO' => true,
    'BAIRRO' => true,
    'CIDADE' => true,
    'ESTADO' => true,
    'UF' => true,
    'companies' => true,
    'addresses_companies' => true,


use App\Model\Entity\Address;
use Cake\ORM\Query;
use Cake\ORM\RulesChecker;
use Cake\ORM\Table;
use Cake\Validation\Validator;

* Addresses Model
* @property \Cake\ORM\Association\BelongsToMany $Companies
class AddressesTable extends Table

 * Initialize method
 * @param array $config The configuration for the Table.
 * @return void
public function initialize(array $config)
    $this->belongsToMany('Companies', [
        'foreignKey' => 'address_id',
        'targetForeignKey' => 'company_id',
        'joinTable' => 'addresses_companies',
        'dependent' => true

 * Default validation rules.
 * @param \Cake\Validation\Validator $validator Validator instance.
 * @return \Cake\Validation\Validator
public function validationDefault(Validator $validator)
        ->add('ID', 'valid', ['rule' => 'numeric'])
        ->allowEmpty('ID', 'create');

        ->add('CEP', 'valid', ['rule' => 'numeric'])
        ->requirePresence('CEP', 'create')

        ->requirePresence('ENDERECO', 'create')

        ->requirePresence('BAIRRO', 'create')

        ->requirePresence('CIDADE', 'create')

        ->requirePresence('ESTADO', 'create')

        ->requirePresence('UF', 'create')

    return $validator;


<div class="addresses form large-10 medium-9 columns">
<?= $this->Form->create($address) ?>
    <legend><?= __('Add Address') ?></legend>
        echo $this->Form->input('CEP');
        echo $this->Form->input('ENDERECO');
        echo $this->Form->input('BAIRRO');
        echo $this->Form->input('CIDADE');
        echo $this->Form->input('ESTADO');
        echo $this->Form->input('UF');
        echo $this->Form->input('companies._ids', ['options' => $companies]);
       <?= $this->Form->button(__('Submit')) ?>
       <?= $this->Form->end() ?>

I want to understand what’s missing, because I can’t find examples on the Internet and the one found on the Cakephp website doesn’t help me.

1 answer


I solved the problem by adding them as Primary key, but now I came up with the following phrase.

Cannot Insert Row, some of the Primary key values are Missing. Got (, )

Can someone help me solve this problem?


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