Turn the first letter of a string into uppercase?


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I have a string "stack exchange", how do I transform your first character, getting "Stack exchange"?

3 answers


That’s it:

var texto = "stack exchange";
var upper = char.ToUpper(texto[0]) + texto.Substring(1);

Behold working in the ideone. And in the repl it.. Also put on the Github for future reference.

There are better ways to resolve the issue but that are outside the requirement of the question. If interested already have a question on the subject here.

This form is more readable to most programmers than using LINQ. It’s obvious to anyone what the algorithm does. No need to add a namespace extra to run it. Readability is subjective but size is not and this is shorter. It uses less methods. Of course it can be argued that it also uses 2 operators and that deep down they are methods, but C# is not Java. If operators are methods, it’s implementation detail and you can’t argue about expressiveness by ignoring it. I find it more expressive to use operators than methods. You have to think otherwise, so this is subjective. Each one chooses what is best for themselves.

Besides, this one’s actually faster. I always defend in my answers that one should not do premature optimization, that one should not pursue useless performance gains. But it’s not always obvious what’s useful or not. If you go through this algorithm in a method that has the potential to be used within long loops, the gain becomes important. Otherwise, BCL’s methods would not need to be as optimized as they are. Nor am I preaching optimization by optimization, but if there is a simple way to do it like this, if it has no real disadvantage (being idiomatic is questionable, because nobody said that programming in a declarative or functional way is the right one in C#, it is only an option, besides being idiomatic has to bring clear advantages, when this does not happen, it is silly to pursue ideals, it would be premature). In some scenarios the difference is anything but contemptible.


Tip from ONLY in English, small method to do this:

public static string FirstCharToUpper(string input)
    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(input))
        throw new ArgumentException("Insira uma palavra diferente de nula ou vazia");
    return input.First().ToString().ToUpper() + input.Substring(1);

You might also be interested in another transformation, to Title Case (also known as Capitalize). It turns "stack exchange" to "STack AndXchange":

public string ToTitleCase(string str)
    return CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(str.ToLower());
  • 1

    There are people with a habit of using LINQ to do simple things.

  • 1

    Personally, I find it more elegant :)

  • 1

    Require to include a namespace for no reason, to have worse performance, to make 4 calls of methods, most people do not understand what the line actually does and even to be longer. I find it exceedingly inelegant.

  • 1

    I find it easier/natural to read, so for me it’s worth the trade-off of ease of reading by performance which, let’s face it, will be imperceptible in the vast majority of cases. But, as I said, it’s personal.

  • 3

    @Bigown I believe, in terms of performance, First and [0] are much similar. The difference in perf is negligible, and deciding the style of code based on that small difference is premature optimisation. Also, I am 100% sure that the application’s Bottleneck will not be the call to First.

  • 4

    Otherwise, the solution is equivalent to yours in terms of number of method/operation invocations. It involves getting the first character (First vs [0]), uppercase (ToUpper), and conversion of the character to string (explicit call to ToString vs implicit converter). As for expressiveness - not always "shorter" means "easier to read". Just go to Codegolf, where the goal is to make the code as short as possible, and sometimes it becomes indecipherable. However, in this particular case, I think both solutions are expressive.

  • 1

    @dcastro performance is only one point and if it’s almost the same thing, I always go for the fastest. But in this case, it only has disadvantages in using LINQ. Premature optimization is something else. This is to make the simplest that by chance is the fastest. LINQ is not simple, it should be avoided if it does not bring some advantage. In this case it does not. I’m going to repeat something you’ve lost since you find LINQ easy to read because YOU read it well. Almost nobody understands that line of code. Most programmers use this as a cake recipe and not as something he knows what this is.

  • 3

    @bigown In a general context, I am completely in favor of using LINQ. As for the readability of LINQ, and the fact that inexperienced programmers do not immediately understand, I recommend this article by Mark Seemann: Idiomatic or idiosyncratic?. The fact that experienced programmers are not yet familiar with the language is no reason not to use it. It is reason to learn it.

  • 2

    The same goes for any technology: if the ignorance of a new technology was the reason not to use it, we were all still programming in C, with single-core Cpus.

  • 2

    But this is your thing, you do it your way, but don’t impose it on everyone. I use the LINQ where it brings advantage, but not in cases like this, it does not bring even one advantage. This is ivory tower. The article shows his point, not an inexorable truth. I will never trade or encourage a perfectly readable code for everyone by one that some think is better and brings no real advantage. I’m pragmatic, I don’t cling to concepts, technologies, best practices or anything like that, I use what’s simpler, the simplest is always more victorious.So there are cases of using LINQ

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You can enter the features of the previous answers in a Static class and access it from anywhere.


public static class StringExtends
   public static string FirstCharToUpper(this string input)
      if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(input))
         throw new ArgumentException("Insira uma palavra diferente de nula ou vazia");
      return input.Length > 1 ? char.ToUpper(input[0]) + input.Substring(1) : input.ToUpper();


var texto = "stack exchange";
var upper = texto.FirstCharToUpper();

example|. Net Fiddle

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