How to determine the time at which a background task will be performed


Viewed 111 times


I am programming for Windows 10, and at a certain time in a day I want my background task to be faced.

Here is my registration code:

on the home screen:

var trigger = new SystemTrigger(SystemTriggerType.TimeZoneChange, false);
            var condition = new SystemCondition(SystemConditionType.InternetAvailable);
            var tarefa = RegistrarTarefasSegundoPlanoAsync.RegisterBackgroundTask(typeof(SalvaImagemTask).FullName, "SalvaImagemTask", trigger, condition);


public static BackgroundTaskRegistration RegisterBackgroundTask(
                                                string taskEntryPoint,
                                                string name,
                                                IBackgroundTrigger trigger,
                                                IBackgroundCondition condition)

            foreach (var cur in BackgroundTaskRegistration.AllTasks)
                if (cur.Value.Name == name)
                    return (BackgroundTaskRegistration)(cur.Value);

            var builder = new BackgroundTaskBuilder();

            builder.Name = name;
            builder.TaskEntryPoint = taskEntryPoint;

            if (condition != null)


            BackgroundTaskRegistration task = builder.Register();

            return task;

here is how it is registered in my manifest


  • I believe you can use the Time class. aspx

1 answer


It is not possible to determine a specific time for a background task to be executed. You can use a timer Rigger to specify the time interval between background task executions, respecting the minimum time of 15 min, is a rule. Below is an example of using the Trigger timer:

                BackgroundTaskBuilder taskBuilder = new BackgroundTaskBuilder();
                taskBuilder.Name = nameof(BackgroundClassName);
                taskBuilder.TaskEntryPoint = typeof(BackgroundClassName).ToString();
                // min 15 minutes
                taskBuilder.SetTrigger(new TimeTrigger(15, false));
                BackgroundTaskRegistration registration = taskBuilder.Register();

If you want to see other triggers and how to use background tasks efficiently, visit this MVA in Portuguese (

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