Paypal - invoices


Viewed 110 times


I want to create the following environment:

Some users will create some features on my site and for each task they will receive some money.

When the user reaches a certain amount of money the user is allowed to click a button to request the money to my paypal account. Then programmatically, an invoice will be created on our paypal accounts and my business account will pay the debt.

The point is that I only managed to achieve this scenario using two business accounts (so the user of my site has to be a business account) because it was the way I found to have API credentials for creating an invoice in the user account.

But I wanted to achieve the above scenario using a common user account. Then the common user would create invoice that would be available in our Paypal accounts and my business account would pay the invoice to my user who requested payment with these conditions.

Is this scenario possible? If not, there is another option other than Invoicing by contemplating this my scenario?

We thank you in advance for any ideas!

1 answer


Hello, it is possible to create credentials with a personal account yes, what you must make sure is if the creation of the account is being done correctly, for example at the time of registration of the account of Paypal you have three options you must choose the one of "Seller with CPF", with this type of account it is possible to generate API credentials. Detail, ever tried using the Paypal sandbox platform ? By default all accounts created through Sandbox, whether business or not API credentials are generated.

To create accounts in sandbox environment: To access your sandbox account:

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