Versionar project with Visual Studio 2013 and 2015


Viewed 353 times


A project that uses two versions of Visual Studio (2013 e 2015) conflicts can occur, for example, with file .csproj or any other?

Note: I don’t want to ignore this file in versioning.

2 answers


There’s a question about differences in files. The 2015 archives may contain information of things not recognized in 2013. So if you use things specific to what can only be used in the 2015 project, it will contain things that can’t be in the 2013 archive.

It is common for a 2015 user to make use of these features commit the file without much concern of what was added. It does the merge normal and eventually may have done manually. Then a user takes this version and puts in 2013 and tries to use. Ready, you have a file with invalid information.

I cannot say all the consequences of this, but it is a problem. It may be that VS 2013 withdraws this information, then when commit, goes without an information that was needed in 2015. 2015 user picks up and needs to tidy up the file, and will always stay in it.

Note that it may be that this extra information is not needed in certain scenarios, then it may work ok. So it depends on the scenario.

  • This answer is not a wonder but the other was confused.


It depends. If the project was created in VS 2013, there will be no problems to open and edit in VS 2015 and maintain versioning. The compatibility with Framework 4.5 is complete. However, if the project was created in VS 2015. NET Framework 4.6, there will be compatibility problems.

  • This does not answer the question. This has already been answered He is asking something else. I only do not answer because I do not know exactly all consequences and solutions, but it is obvious that there will be conflicts.

  • 1

    Maybe I expressed myself badly. There will be no conflicts using both versions (I said problems). We worked for a while here at the company with two versions of VS and versioning (using Tortoise SVN) and we had no problem, except for the normal conflicts that can occur with the csproj file when two users add files and the merge cannot solve alone.

  • You say there will be no conflict, except normal conflict. Then there will be conflict.

  • 1

    Normal conflicts I referred to conflicts that occur even working with the same version of VS. There is nothing new. Creating a project in 2015 can create more conflicts when working with 2013, but a 2013 project did not cause any problems when working with 2015. I’m talking about the practical experience I’ve had.

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