How to fill an ontology from Java?


Viewed 366 times


I am working with ontologies, and have an OWL file in which my ontology is already all defined, classes, properties Object, among others. I use Protegé 4.1 to fill these policies, creating the instances of each class. But I want to create these instances directly through the java code, using the OWL API, but I couldn’t even find in the documentation how to do it. So what I want is to basically take the ontology created but no instances, and create those instances in the code itself. Has anyone ever done it, or knows how to do it?

  • See the Wiki for a plugin

1 answer


During my master’s dissertation I used Jena, which at the time was from hp. That was in 2012. I know that Jena was donated to apache.

Take a look at the Apache Jena. The API to handle ontologies remains similar when it was from hp. See examples here.

I hope it helps.

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