Error connecting remote database


Viewed 460 times


Good evening, I’m having trouble with the following context:


Using the line of code below I tried to connect to a remote mysql server to try to access some tables and comes the following error: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Since I have tried everything and so far I have not achieved any result with the code below:

public bool IsLogged;
        public string username;
        public string UAC_L;
        public int id;

        MySqlConnection myconnection;

MySqlConnectionStringBuilder conn;
conn = new MySqlConnectionStringBuilder();
conn.Server = "";
conn.UserID = "a1478344_app";
conn.Password = "SENHA!";
conn.Port = 3306;

myconnection = new MySqlConnection(conn.ToString());
myconnection.Open(); // O Erro ocorre aqui!

#region !OBFUSCATED!
MySqlCommand command_login = myconnection.CreateCommand();
command_login.CommandText = "SELECT usr_id,usr_rname,usr_UASC FROM `a1478344_app`.`app_users` WHERE usr_email=`@email` AND usr_password=`@senha`"
command_login.Parameters.AddWithValue("@email", email_t.Text);
command_login.Parameters.AddWithValue("@senha", Base64.Base64Encode(senha_t.Text));

MySqlDataReader reader = command_login.ExecuteReader();
if (reader.Read())
id = reader.GetInt32("usr_id");
username = reader.GetString("usr_rname");
UAC_L = reader.GetString("usr_UASC");

MessageBox.Show(string.Format("O Usuário {0} tem o ID {1} com privilégios de {2}", username, id, UAC_L));

The error happens when after I enter the data from ConnectionString and apply the method myconnection.Open();

And the code of that error is one such 1042 as per Mysqlexception.Number. Solution Explorer with the references used.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • 1

    Are you sure the database connection information is correct? I ask only to exclude this hypothesis :)

  • Yes they are! I checked and everything! but in the same way it is this error!

  • A doubt the explorer Solution is right?

  • You have checked if you can actually connect manually to the server I mean, even if your credentials are correct, there could be some problem connecting your machine to the server.

  • yes it is the mysql server of 000webhost

1 answer


See if your mysql database has permission for remote connection of users.

This command will guarantee this access from any IP (@'%') for the user a1478344_app to any database (*.*).

ON *.*
TO 'a1478344_app'@'%'
  • I’ll try now...

  • ops! gave error Error SQL query: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE . To 'a1478344_app'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'newpassword' Mysql said: Documentation #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that Corresponds to your Mysql server version for the right syntax to use 'near database. * TO 'a1478344_app'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY newpassword 'at line 2

  • I ran it like mysql_query

  • Fixed. Try it again.

  • #1045 - Access denied for user 'a1478344_app'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

  • and now what could have caused this? Let me ask you if you know a site that hosts mysql for free

  • another error has appeared #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that Corresponds to your Mysql server version for the right syntax to use near ''%' IDENTIFIED BY 'PASSWORD! ' at line 1

  • 1

    I am suspicious that 000webhost does not accept remote connections without account upgrade:

  • Eita! did not know that only against premium could! and now how I will make the login/registration system in my app...

  • I’m glad you showed me this link!

  • you don’t happen to know a server that hosts mysql with remote access?

  • something else, I have an old pc, but it works, so as I would to be able to configure Windows server 2008 R2 on it to host game servers and websites?

  • Unfortunately I do not know a good site that hosts a free Mysql database. I would try to set up a Mysql database on your own machine, if this is possible for you.

  • :( well already thank you! because if it were not you I would not even know that 000webhost had no remote access!

  • Dherik... Is the Microsoft sql server database very difficult to work with or is it the same as mysql? and the Microsoft sql server database is allowed in php?

  • The basic usage is very similar, you will not have difficulties if you already know Mysql. Yes, you can use Sql Server with PHP normally.

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